The Latest Dedicated MP Discussion

You litteraly explained me that all that matters was the sale at the end Zantai.

And if you guys don’t think that the game is perfect, why do you defend the game like this. I have never seen someone on my side.

I mean… considering the way you’re acting right now, it’s no surprise, really.

And what is the way I’m acting right now? I’m just telling the truth, and look what happens.

Is this from one of those old we need dedicated servers threads or the game will die that unsurprisingly got locked?

Yes, shockingly, we are a business, and to stay in business we need money. Remarkably, making money in games generally means making stuff people want to play, and focusing company resources to maximize that player involvement.

When somebody, like yourself, comes in here telling us the game is dead or will die because it doesn’t have more Multiplayer support and that people (including the devs) are delusional for thinking otherwise, it’s really hard to take such a person seriously (especially when literally a few posts up there’s info about how it’s already sold over 1.5 million copies).

Because I and others do not wish to see features you request implemented? We’re not defending the game, we’re considering and/or criticising the feature you want implemented.

I don’t play multiplayer much, if at all in Grim Dawn outside of trading so I don’t benefit from them improving multiplayer features when the same time/resources could go to something that benefits everyone like more single player content/quality of life features.

As I said, I got beat as soon as I came. It is very sad here. As I said, they only care about money and their sales of the original game. The 1,5 milions copies sold is only a number. You do not know why people bought the game. If you think that the multiplayer was only for 10% of the sells you crazy. Continue to dream about the profit. But at the end, people know that the game is missing something.

Ok. Feel free to live with your delusions and we’ll live with ours.