what should i name my Sunherald Commando ?
- Sunman
- Heraldo
- MandoSunlaire
- Sunraldo
- Mandorald
- Mansundorald
- Sunmanraldo
- ClaimMoreSunDoh
- …
- other
- wtf is this poll?? @_@
0 voters
0 voters
i fell for it.
feelz bad man.
oh . well, i still voted.
Name him “Mean Sun of a Beach”, will ya.
Voted for
I think it’s the perfect character name.
you should use Shar’Zul’s Worldeater instead xD
So what Heraldo main skill gonna be ? Firestrike? BA? Cadence? Good luck on your journey!
Early game will be cooldown forcewave with 1pt fire strike(for devo proccer) and BWC
havent’ decided whether i’d lean full into Firestrike + wps or either go ham on Cadence, or just use it for Deadly Momentum buff and then some non sharzy fire Forcewave meme