The progression hurdle - Your first level 100 character will suck for a LONG time

I’d like to see a “full blue” build with all the resists, DA, and OA requirements met. I haven’t seen a blue build in an age.

How about my Perdition set Sentinel?

I made several blue builds pre-FG, regarding capping resistances: purple items are not superior in this sense.

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It’s not that hard to do that.Silver sentinel set Trickster.Just use legplates of Valor and Final march boots and you are set to cover all resistances.

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I think it depends on what the requirement you have in mind. Sure it is difficult to make a pure blue-gear build that is comparable to those full-purple ones. But we are talking about builds that one can make as the first / second chars and use it to start end-game farming, and I think blue gears are sufficient for the purpose.

Edit: and I still think blue gears are not that weak, I mean my G2 skater sentinel actually feels stronger than my G4 version.

I think “blue builds” are more common than what people think. It is just that most do not bother posting builds for them since they can’t in general breeze through gladiator and SR. I wish more people did like you did in your sentinel build thread: showing the actuall progression of the char and just not the end result.

i agree. blues are rarely for SR 65+/Cruci 150/170 (though some players manage to build around them) but they’re very useful to help farming (and it’s pretty much their purpose in fact) and shouldn’t be underestimated

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I might even do a restart soon and report on my progress, I think adoomgod also inteded to do so.
Then one can factor out the gear aspect of the equation and see how much knowledge of the game matters. One of the things I did not realize on my first chars was the power of crafting. What else are you gonna use all the scrap, scavenged plats and iron bits for? I got the tip from one of Dragon’s build guides

I might do this with my Lightning caster vindicator (so I can improve the leveling section of my guide) and Dragon’s blademaster.


Well, this leads to the “Question” in terms of what “Endgame” truly are in ARPG / Hack’n’Slay , because for me “Endgame” is part of the “after you hit Level 100” swap focus from leveling up to farming for Endgame & BiS Gear plus which and how many ways it offers to do so. I’d argue most People would say that “crucible” and “SR”, but also doing bounty’s for Faction-Rep, Nemesis, Rogulike / Challenge Dungeons, specific Farming Runs and than do Secret Boss / Secret Sidequests and such… and from listed above most of this things you can do without being fully equiped Legendary, or BiS / Endgame Gear. Sure you won’t be able to go that far in Crucible and SR like BiS or Full Equiped (Legendary) Gear, but you can do enough to atleast farm decently for this. Otherwise your Argument would make absolute no sense, because if you are incapable to farm for Endgame-Gear because you don’t have said Endgame Gear, than to do alts / twinks and play them or spent 1000 Hours would do absolutely nothing. (Which is an contradiction on your side).

Also let’s not forget, that Grim Dawn has besides that fact, that (like listed above) many ways to do endgame, it’s much easier today to get or look out for good gear. You have atleast two(?) specific legendary Gear to farm for with a Set like Kriegs-Set. Also the Transmutation Feature; and thanks to the new Loot-Filter it’s also easiert to filter out Rare, MI’S and double Rare (MI’s) which is already a decent gear if you don’t have this “Purple is suprerior in all aspects and all Greens, MI’S and such are absolute trash” mentallity. Sure, major Legendary Items are an Upgrade for Greens(except you are really lucky and get one of the insane ones) however good / proper Endgame doesn’t mean once you hit max. level you jump from crap gear directly to BiS and strong Endgame Gear, but rather build upon it. This “jump” is something which is more for twinks and alt’s.

Though is it tho? Because if we argue about “most people” than we already have the conclusion that most people would’ve stopped after the first playthrough anyway. Because a majority of this people are more like “casuals” who want only to enjoy the campaign and than move on, and another huge Portion of it needs a carrot which keeps them entertained like Season and Ladders with specific rewards and stuff.

And than i would go so far, and claim that a huge Portion of People who keeps playing would’ve started over with an different character anyway, to see new skills and stuff instead of keep playing for hours, even if it would require way less time, with that one specific main character. And the Core-Portion of People who farm for stuff i’d argue(myself included) enjoy it that unlike some other Games, that they have something to do for they stuff (which also higher the replaybility and longterm playbility) instead of get thrown at with good stuff. (overexaggerating to picture my argument). And than again i would say compared to majority of other ARPG’s they nailed it anyway, because it’s not as some other examples, never see any kind of the Legendary’s in the majority of your time but also not thrown at stuff… they found the middle.

Which again i disagree with you, because smooth progression and transition isn’t that much time-related, but rather HOW it works out. If i look at Diablo 3(which i still love by the way), it’s not only that you get easily get your gear so there isn’t an smooth transition between bad gear and good gear, due there are almost no different shades of grey in the middle, but also once you’ve gotten your Gears, which is basically BiS, you only do farming to get the same Items as Ancient or better Rolls / Stats.(Though I’ve to point out, i didn’t play the game much the past two or three years so there might’ve some changes made about bis). Within ONE week playing with my friends i had BiS Gear, and the only thing left to do was to get an better variant of it, and unlike Grim Dawn thanks to the Smartloot System there was not much use of some other leggys due they etiher have specific stats roled for my class or not even acquire them because the focus is to get items for the character i play instead of get good loot overall. Grim Dawn however is smoother, if you open up to greens and blues you can get decent gear for the early and middle part of Endgame.

Also as some people mentioned already, whats the bigger Part of this whole “Endgame” thing is, isn’t the Gear but the Game-Mechanics and such. Know how to build your class with Skilltrees and Devotion, know how Stats work, DA and OA etc etc. Know how to handle Augments and Components which is also a huge part of the freedom and possibilites in building your Character up. So i would argue the most Players leave even before hit the “wall” you claim, because the Game is way to complex for them. How often do we have rant’s about constantly dying because people don’t know how to work on Survivalbility, and think that 60% Res is more than enough and an “Solid” Build, or get one shotted because they don’t understand the Enemy mechanics or how the Armor-Concept works and so on. Compared to an Game like PoE, Grim Dawn isn’t an Game which gets you troubles because of the quantity(like have an insanely huge skilltree as example) but rather while it overall is more compact and overseeable, the Mechanics itself can get sometimes pretty complex for an ARPG / Hack’n’Slay like this.

However, and that’s the Question, should Crate cater an Audience which would leave anyway, and simplify the Game and the Gear-Progression for that, or wouldn’t it better to focus on the Core-Audience which supported them so much over the years, are most likely the ones who buy another Games and / or their newest expansion / loyality packs, whlie said early leaver crowd with the attention span of an Fly. Than again i hope Crate focus to “not” cater most of the time any crowds anyway but rather stick truth to themself and their vision and implement things which they see as fitting.

Last but not Least i’ve to point out, and it seems it bothers way to much People than it should; one of the biggest strenght of Grim Dawn is how open it is! Which means “modding”, and if progression is for your taste an huge issue, you simply can mod / creat different progression System (Infact there is even one which gets developed by Ceno. Link: [Mod] Augury ) or use a n tool alternatively if it’s wonky.

I for one with my 800h into the Game are happy to get nowdays still an Game where i can put time and energy in it, and not having after 60 Hours BiS for my first Character…

I might add, that’s how i look at things, so my viewpoint and not meant (overall) as facts.

/Edit2: And sorry for so many typo’s and also if there are some gramatical issues. I try to fix them if i see them…


I am a veteran like Jajaja was, i started with him or around him, but he already made builds that was excellent.

Why this is important?

There was NO cruci.
There was NO transfer one to another.
There was NO sets with locations.
There was nothing just dungeon runs for the 3 - 5 legendary.
There was only the blacksmith that can give u a random item for 8 Heart.

So what is the question? :upside_down_face:

Concerning progression hurdle, acually only item requirements come to my mind:
The proper Items you usually have stashed and waiting when levelling from 0, have level limits like:
50 / 75 / 82 / 94.
To me those huge gaps in between are always a hell lot of levelling time before I can upgrade again.
If anything, crate could add some more requirements in between.

That would just mean more items, more balancing and more work for them.

Ah, dunno - to me it would be sufficient to re-spec existing items.
Close to lvl 94 I sometimes nearly “starve” from outdated gear. Past 94 I poof everyone down again.

I usually have like level 50 items around level 94. It’s not like it matter that much

Most of the gear can carry you,until you reach bigger level and unlock better gear.

Also at level 70,you unlock armor augments.Later you reach revered status with a lot of factions,they provide both items and augments.

So you can improve your gear in multiple ways,if you reach point of stagnation.

That is wrong. There ARE more requirements inbetween already.

Starting at level 35 where items start to matter, the steps are as follows:
35: Faction gear respected.
40: Faction rings. Magic augments
50: Black Legion stuff.
65: DLC factions respected.
70: Faction gear revered. Faction armor augments
75: Vanilla legendary sets (Vinelton for recipe + transmutes.)
84: DLC factions honored weapons (dlc magic augs?)
90: DLC factions Honored rings and revered gear + augs.

Jeah, that´s right and all… But faction gear nearly never improves my builds.

Why don’t you post them? It’s easy to upload to grimtools. Videos and reports also go a long way to describe where you hit a bump and how that bump looks.

faction gear almost always improves my builds (from random blue and greens to something that becomes quite cohesive)

Faction gear includes the epics the Witch Gods, Coven and Malmouth sell. Only thing better than these are BiS items and double rare MIs. The Coven specially sells two awesome epic rings.

yup storm and sky seals are dope