The Pseudo-Nightblade: Direwolf Crest for DW, what other classes?

  1. Yes it is
  2. No it doesn’t. Even with both of alacrity Cronly signet you cant fill the gap in atc speed, and times on dummy are higher.

Ok, booted up my Elementalist again. 175% attack speed with 2x SH and 2x Kelpath…whatever rings, so I could easily max out attack speed if I wanted to. 58k sheet DPS with all procs, which is definitely impressive, but a more OA oriented setup would probably be more effective because of the massive crit bonus my skills give.

Cba to craft daggers right now, I will eventually but the math just doesn’t check out. 6 levels in Static strike is 100 lightning damage, how could any other item compare to SH?

Ok, here is pic of my setup with two daggers so yo can compare. Note that this is defensive setup, with offensive one it has some 4k dps and ~150 OA more, but resistances aren’t caped. Atc. speed is maxed in both cases.

If you have extra gold to spend, can you check how much would savagery do?

Gladly, but I just finished crafting session so :smiley:

But I was cheeking it earlier, much less even when your atc speed is not caped so storm touched has full effect.

P.S. Forgot to mention picture I posted is w/o any proc, just constant auras.

Ye, figured. I was only asking because I’m making a Trickster, but not sure if I should go pierce/bleed or lightning…

Tbh bleed with a minor pierce sounds better to me.

Can someone correct me on this part that if your modifier says “80% chance of x flat physical damage” then it doesn’t get factored in your DPS. Making your actual DPS higher than your sheet DPS

Pretty sure it will count it as 0.8x for purposes of sheet DPS. At least that’s how it worked when Static has a percentage chance.

But that does mean your effective DPS would be higher right?

No, why would it?

Hmm, oh well. Thanks