The Sentinel

Please, Crate, make him not regain his health upon the player’s death. It is not possible to kill him.


Every single boss in the game does that. You’re supposed to fight and kill him, not whail him down while dieing 20 times in the process.
For the fight itself, if you run and drag him out of his green crystal’s auras he’s no big deal.

Something is wrong with your build. Sentinel is somewhat hard but not that hard.

Throwing your corpse at the boss 100 times isn’t supposed to damage them. Post your build and we can hopefully help you tweak it to better clear the mobs and bosses.

My build is
I tried TSS instead of OFF too…

I attached the file with my character to the post above. Use it and see for yourself. If anyone can kill the Sentinel with Storm Totem / Wind Devil please tell me how.

I just found out that fcking Sentinel heals himself during the battle. Facepalm. The Devs plz take my char and test that fight.

Only if you are fighting him within the aura of his crystals. He also gains an extremely amount of total speed, oa and da while fighting him within the range of his crystals. Just kite him out of their range.

tss/totem/devil druids are pretty weak and not fun for me, but I will give it a whirl later and report back :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you. But I do all the rest of GD content at Ultimate without any problems, killed Ultimate Log within 5-10 mins and died only once (was able even kill Voldran) but that Sentinel drives me crazy. I can’t even lower his health to -25%. I try to keep him out of the green aura but I think Storm Totem solo damage is too weak for him or he might have high lightning resistances. Don’t know. I 've tried using healing totem but i can’t stand and facetank and there is not much room to kite.

OK. So I beat the Sentinel with your character. Took a couple of tries since my fingers aren’t trained to play this build.

Not as hard as hardcore Hell Ancients with a Sorc.

Your character is a glass cannon. You have low resists and low DA. These hurt, especially the low poison resist. Getting crit hurts - can be one-shot here.

You have a ton of sources of damage but they aren’t really all that focused. Your build basically boils down to freeze everything with OFF and then the Volcanic Wyrm’s Breath proc on the gloves kills everything. Anything that can’t be frozen is going to be harder.

Against Sentinel if you stop moving you are in trouble. Run around. Drop storm totems and wind devils and your Briarthorn. Anytime Mirror comes off cooldown you facetank. If you keep your finger on the potion button you can probably stand in there for 5s.

I disagree that there is not a lot of room to kite. You have 2 rooms with 2 pathways between them. The second one has a stone chest you can run around. Lots of room.

I really appreciate your time you’ve taken to help me. Yes, I’m kinda glasscannon but not too much I think. Poison resistance 54% (for 90% of GD it is ok and then there are consumables). And my build was designed (by me) to be a kiting druid. That’s normal. If I go more defensive my damage will drop to near-zero. It is not that great as it is at the moment. I took most of the HP regenerating devotions and that helps a lot.
I will try to beat the Sentinel again today. Maybe my hands are not agile enough :slight_smile: But I really think Storm totem vs Single Target kinda suck. Maybe Crate didn’t intend the players use totem / wind devil based builds and provided those skills as the means of support to ,say, Primal Strike.

P.S. btw who are Hell Ancients ?

The three Ancients from diablo 2 on hell difficulty.

Ah yes. My memory fails me! It’s been a long time since I played D2.

Finally killed the Sentinel :slight_smile:


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