The State of Early Access - Update #06

My frame rates sip at 1.5k but it’s nothing game breaking ill still get 25-35fps and it’s 4 years old… What are people doing with their systems nowadays?

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In the spirit of MOAR, I would like to see upgrades to Wells beyond T2 or better system of water supply if houses are going to T5, additionally fishing huts could be upgraded to fishing “Piers” and the forager hut still only goes to T1.


This right here!


I’ve the same here. Before i can play a city of 2000-2500 people with no problem. Now, my city is 900 people and it start freezing…

are you playing on v092. update to v093 (playtest) will fix start freezing.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Will this game come to GOG?

Wow, thanks for the super quick reply. Yeah, it’s not possible at the moment because they want to see proof of transaction. I work in a 3rd world country and can’t access my bank account while I’m out here. It’s not a really big deal, I don’t like Steam anyway and only have maybe 4 games there but I would like Farthest Frontier back.

would you add a coloring system to the game? Or maybe different architectural style sets? in the future.

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Game’s performance improved a lot to me. I was not able to play +1000 without stuttering but now I can. Cheers to that.

Not using any mod what so ever tho.

and… the model of shelters are given randomly, for those who working on designed andscape, it’s qutie inconvenient, may be we could choose which model to use when building

I’m comparing performance between v0.8.x and v0.9.3. I’m not sure how it was on 0.9.2 and before but I’m 100% sure that performance dropped significantly.

Maybe there are problems with path finding algo. I’m using a lot of walls and fences over the map.

It’s been a while since I’ve played non-peacefull, so I gave it a try at medium difficulty, and I’ts being unplayable to me. Even on mid diff those raiders just wipe my whole village. They come from everywhere (ok, 3 different places) and they got a lot of armour and weapons, they just go berserker and destroy everthing. They dont rush for the TC like before. What a reck. It’s a no go from me when it comes to play against raiders. City builder only with no combat what so ever. Still, one of my favorite games in this genre, if not #1

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yeah, hard mode now seem like you play dark soul

I’ve had some pretty epic razings of my cities - two irrecoverable - on hard difficulty with raiders, but once you get used to it it’s not really a problem.

I used to place towers at choke points, but now they get overwhelmed. So what I do now is I place towers throughout the city, usually in pairs, including two covering the town center, all with overlapping fields of fire. For the early-mid game, this means that as raiders enter they’re always under fire and I’ve never had a problem. I just disable most of the towers when not in use, and as soon as I get a raider alert, re-enable them - there’s almost always enough time for guards to get to them.

You do need to prioritize getting crossbows fairly quickly, or armored raiders will just shrug off the towers.

In the later game, I use walls to funnel raiders towards chokepoints in front of castles, and then since the heavy cavalry is so OP, a castle full of crossbows and 8-16 heavy cavalry can take care of basically any raider force.

So net-net – get towers up early (which means a rush to get a market up, which means lots of wood and stone), and then get to crossbows ASAP (either through your traders market, which is what I usually do, or if you’re lucky then through manufacturing yourself) and hard mode seems a lot less hard.

We are all waiting for 0.9.4! :sweat_smile:

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“End of this week or the next seems probable.”


I guess now it’s too late for “end of this week”. Hopefully “next seems probable”. :sweat_smile:

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I would just so love to see’em releasing it Sunday literally one minute before midnight :smile:

It’d be nice to be able to trigger raids manually (with relevant options about size, number of fronts, and ‘type’ of raid). Sometimes I find myself wanting to start in pacifist mode so I can make my town pretty without the pressure of defending against raids, but I still want to test my defenses eventually. Or just unleash heck on my people: a bit like the disaster buttons in SimCity.

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so i lke that idea but with a twist. the twist being banking say half the raid. 1 st raid 18 then nine to the bank other nine vanish 2nd raid 20 so 10 to the bank. now if you hit the raid button you have a raid of 19. do this for 50 to 75 years lol hope you defense hold