The State of Early Access - Update #06

WOW - this sounds absolutely amazing. Thanks for the detailed overview of what each new big update will bring. And thank you for separating out the predator vs military options.

Gosh this is purely amazing! Thank you for such a comprehensive post!

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these devs really have a big opportunity with making this game a multiplayer game and they are mssing out on it. Can you imagine being able to trade resources with other villages, trade soldiers, weapons, food, requesting temporary laborers, people emigrating from your city and going to other players city, water combat!! it would be the first city building game to do so (i believe) They need to take it into consideration at least.

Yes, please!!

Could crop disease have two levels : normal and light?

Very excited for the tech tree. It reminds me of SimCity 2013, which, as buggy as it might be, was undoubtedly the most ambitious city builder of its time. I hope Farthest Frontier too ends up as the most ambitious city builder of the present time.

This has become an huge game guys! Congrats! Love it!

Not the first city builder to do that and it doesnā€™t work. Devs are smart not planning a multiplayer phase.


Iā€™m getting worried, Iā€™m missing one fundamental function in the game.
For me at least, who like to use many towers.

Iā€™m missing the multiselect function of towers.
I really want to be able to select multiple towers with mouse.
After they are selected, I want to be able to disable them or enable them.

Right now, I need to select one tower at time, and when you have 100ā€™s of towers,
that is not fun. Iā€™m happy do with the dialog box has been removed.
So now Iā€™m just waiting for the multiselect function for the towers.
That would make the game amazing.

People who donā€™t use much towers can probably keep them filled with people.
But that is not a reality when you use towers in a way like I do.

Please add multiselect of towers.


Oh my God I totally love these tier 5 houses! For me, this is one of the major things Iā€™ve been longing for, for a long time! To be honest, I donā€™t always like these tier 4 houses, to bricky for me. Often, I donā€™t even gradeā€™em up. But thatā€™s just my personal taste. But these tier 5 houses (and the pastry shop!) really make my dreams come true. Looking very much forward to create even more cozy medieval towns with tiny roads and these beautiful new buildings. :heart_eyes:


How are you accessing the T5 houses? Havenā€™t those been disabled for now?

Now that major changes to the core game are wrapping up, you can expect optimization to be central to our efforts. The v0.9.3 optimization pass is only the first step to improving the gameā€™s performance. We will continue to squeeze every frame out of the game we can all the way up to v1.0 (and likely beyond). We will also be looking into optimizing memory utilization and load times

It sounds great! But for performance I donā€™t think that focusing on loading time and memory usage or fps is correct way to make significant performance changes. Personally for me game is not really playable after ~800 population and main reason is constant freezes every 2-4 seconds which seems to be related to calculations made every cycle, even with 12th Gen Intel i7-12700k, 64Gb RAM and GTX 3700

Could you share some insights whatā€™s happeing during these cycles? It seems that a lot of real performance issues could be managed by multithereading, using multiple cores and maybe even create some sort of server-client implementation with delegating computations to workers with shared memory and setting up a queue/job system for handling computation tasks in async way.

Not sure how this happens to you, but on my i7-7700 + 1060 6GB + 32GB RAM and population = 1K I get no freezes like this.

I donā€™t understand how people are getting such terrible performance from the game. Even before the optimization I was able to run it fine up to 1.5k pop and I donā€™t have an insanely powerful computer. Now, Iā€™m up to 600 pop with optimization my comp might as well be idling.

In my case performance is worse now than before. I was able to run 2.5k town before performance tweaks, currently 1.2k is running with significant freezes. My PC is dedicated for gaming only, no heavy processes or anything else happens in background

UPD: It seems Melon Loader was a bottleneck. Uninstalling it improved performance. There are still significant freezes but at least itā€™s now playable for 1.4k town

i was wondering how much melonloader affected the game because like you i could get up to nearly 3k before issues now it started at 900 roughly for me iā€™m at 2k right now not unplayable just really slow

I use melonloader and I never got freezes. What mods are you using exactly?

Seems to be some outdated mods caused issues with performance. I used camera mod, spawn villager and move resources mods, camera mod was not working and I guess it was a core issue. I installed melon loader again with only spawn villager mod and it seems fine.

However at 1.5k town huge freezes comes back and anyway made game nearly not playable. In my current setup 1.7k population should be optimal, so I guess itā€™s better to wait for more optimizations

Best to test without any mods or MelonLoader installed to make sure itā€™s the game and not those causing performance issues.