Theorycrafter Challenge - Veilkeeper Battlemage

@WyreZ This challenge was fun, man!

If you wouldn’t mind, create another one! (I mean - don’t overdo it, now and then a challenge, but it is fun, and it helps me understand Grim Dawn immensely!)

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Oh dears, I created probably one of the best builds in this challenge, all it took was a different pair of boots and a complete redo of devotions:

This seemingly glassy as hell build can carve through SR85 (and probably 86) now, it needs another pass, but as long as you’ve got Cursed Tinctures to deal with more lightning resistant enemies, it goes through SR85 like a knife through hot butter, but the game crashed on talking to Mazaan at the end of 85.

Surprised it works this well having dropped Spear of Heaven from the devotion path, Shield Maiden is definitely need though. as I found out the hard way. Anyhow, SR75-76 recording tiem. Will post the vid in the morning, because it’s nearing midnight, and I need some fluffing sleeeeep.

Edit - that’s weird, I was pretty sure the ingame resists were all covered, but the GT link is show pierce and chaos are bellow 80%. Edit 2 - bollocks, I did miss those resists lawl. Sort of fixed, but really needs MI pants to properly cover them and have some skill points >_<

Also, here’s the SR75-76 run, didn’t speed run it and just gummbied around. But despite that, got under 13 minutes. Which is excellent for a meme build with 2 sets of restrictions.

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Hey @mad_lee what sorts of theorycraft challenges would you enjoy?

I used to enjoy challenges like this and I used to assemble a lot of “meme” specs for fun, but that was years ago. Right now I don’t find making meme builds fun or challenging unless there is a potential for a top build, plus super burned out after top20 and by GD in general.

But that shouldn’t stop you, guys!


Sorry to hear that. But I get it, too. After pushing for SR210 for months, most of us took a break from theorycrafting and the game. Something about pushing yourself consistently for extrinsic reward instead of the intrinsic delight in casually exploring build ideas, is rather taxing!

Enjoy some space from it all. Memes and top build striving and the community will clearly still be around for whenever/ifever you choose to re-engage with it.


I’ve been slaving away in the deep SR mines, working out bugs and while it can now definitely clear SR85-86, doing so takes a high degree of piloting skill that I can’t pull off today due to the side effects of a full zopiclone pill >_<

SR80-81 was much easier lawl. Got a clear the first go:

Teh Build, now V1.2:

More defence, because Turtle is definitely needed and finally worked out the best skills to set to the devotion skills to proc them. Might be an idea to change the belt out to get some skill points + more health, but I kind of like the fact it only needs 1 MI.

Anyhow, gets more damage over all from adding more to TSS, which gives it better stand off capabilities against Valdaran. Who can go die in a fire, because that retal aura is hard to notice until you get shotgunned in the face.