Severe lack of attack speed makes cadence a pain to use. Unless you get 2x Godly-rolled Cronley’s Signet of Voracity/Alacrity or something, it just doesn’t work
Severe lack of overall RR. Elemental storm alone isn’t enough. There are gears that help elemental RR, but I don’t remember anything for 2h build. And even then, you still need those gears
I haven’t worked that out yet! Definitely would use fast (elemental if possible) 2H rifles and crossbows (Boltspitter, Silverbolt, Hellborne, stuff like that). I’d probably focus on attack speed and greens with elemental projectile procs (like Fireball and Ice Spike).
For devotions…I’d likely rush Blind Sage (plenty of offensive green and purple constellations leading up to it), then go for Kraken and some defensive constellations. I’d pick up Rhowan’s Crown for the skill, and attach it to one of the WPS skills. Not sure if I’d have enough points to attach another elemental devotion proc onto the other Soldier WPS, but that would be ideal.
Because OFF reduces Fire Resist, I’d likely end up focusing on Fire…
Will Of Fate might help. The Empowered one, obviously. It pierces just like VoS does, so it should be pretty sick. I’ll slap together a Grimtools and see what can be done.
EDIT: Eh… Maybe passable? Probably needs better Devotions, I just slapped that together. Thankfully the Cadence DPS should be much higher than the Weapon Attack DPS it’s showing. Definitely a little lacking on attack speed, but WoF should keep that from harming your AOE too much. Overall, respectable-looking, even without components and augments. Inquisitor might change this up some though, might be better to go Discord Cadence with that.