Theorycrafting around Yugol's Hunger and Voracious Reach. Help Please!

I am currently trying to make a build around Yugol’s hunger using Voracious reach as the primary skill with acid damage. My first iteration was with Oathkeeper/Occultist, and the damage seemed fine, but the resists sucked. This version has slightly less damage, better resists but still not good. Anyone have any advice for better itemization or otherwise that might fix resists or any other problems you see with the build? Other class combos are acceptable also, I mostly wanted to use Yugols/acid, and be relatively survivable. Thank you!

I took most of the components off of a previous build I was working on, they are poorly optimized, but these links should get my general idea across.

Witch Hunter using the venom blade set and yugol relic can be pretty solid :slight_smile:

This. It was posted a few days ago.
Uses Yugol’s? Check!
Uses dual Resistance shredding abilities and constellations? Check!
Can it do well with Acid damage instead of full blow Pierce? Kinda check! (look for the comments apparently the Acid shred is also good enough to merit its own variation).