If you play alot of Grim Dawn with your friends, you might have noticed that its difficult to exchange builds and forum thread links over discord and keeping on track with them. Specially on Discord mobile Apps you often have the problem of limited data usage availability. The bot can help by providing discord embeds directly posted after each valid GrimTools or Grim Dawn Forum link. This way you can directly see what build in is utilizing what allocations for both character attributes and skills.
TheOutcast also allows to have social media and forum posts directly posted to a channel by name.
All in all we tried to makeTheOutcast a great addition for every Discord server with grim dawn links/content present.
Differences in the Public release of TheOutcast? (Grim Dawn Discord Bot)
The publicly available version of TheOutcast in comparison to the Community Discord version is currently only lacking the Steam Sale notification system becouse i need to increase my servers abilities a little bit before i can make that publicly available. The Steam API is not that forgiving for some of the server requests that come from certain IP ranges. Technical blabla, basicly i need a little more time to make it possible to be consistent and reliable. The Lokarr ranking system is going to be a later release for the public. I plan on doing a little more with it until i publish it for everyone, its also a little difficult to provide a leader board for every discord that wants to have it, question of design and some technical stuff.
Global Forum Verification
Options to verify yourself with your Official Grim Dawn Forum account. Verify your Grim Dawn Forum Account and receive special perks and permissions inside the Grim Dawn Community Discord or every Server that this Bot is properly setup inside of. -
Auto Embeds
Automatic Discord embeds for posted Grimtools and Official Forum links
Posted embeds contain important information about the contained character build or details about the posted forum thread. These Embeds also contain some hidden information, as example the Grim Tools embed contains the age of the build and exact game version.
This system is independent of the GrimTools API that is provided and unreliable . -
Social Media Tracker (Twitch + Twitter)
Track all social media posts from Crate Entertainment.
Automatically receive discord embeds to a by you named discord channel about Twitter posts from Crate Entertainment and development streams on Twitch about updates or upcoming changes to Grim Dawn. -
Official Forum Tracker
Track all posts from Crate Entertainment.
Forum threads or posts created by Crate Entertainment employees, posted as embeds to a selected Discord text-channel. -
Tag System
Create so called Tags to be called with your own defined command prefix or chat content to trigger them. Tags are text replies based on the initially submitted text, this makes often requested answers or chat content easy to access. Each one in a server with TheOutcast can submit tags to be reviewed by the server owner in the web control panel. All tags from the community discord are included by default as global tags and available in every discord TheOutcast is inside of. -
NEW Website Contron Panel
View submitted tags and confirm them, change the settings of the bot for each of your servers with a easy and simpe to understand overview. Discord login to ease up accessibility. Just go to http://theoutcast.de/login/, login with discord, click the cog/gear on the top left of the navigation bar of the website.
You can check out TheOutcast over this link.
If you wish to support TheOutcast you can find more information about that here.