Thermite mine question ?

Most of the time when I throw my thermite mines they just go in different directions and sometimes don’t even land at the targets feet. How do I know if they are in effect ? This can be even more confusing when a lot is going on. If it’s just one boss I can usually see them and if they aren’t near him I throw more but it isn’t always that clear.

There’s no real way to tell, seeing the flame light up just means an enemy walked over it. Once you see the numbers fly up you know it’s affecting them.

Getting the mine to land where you want can be a massive pain. Also I’m pretty sure that only one mine can affect an enemy at once. It never used to be this way.

They’re good for the resist reduction and for static enemies that like to stand in one spot. (But even this can work against you if not even a single mine lands on target). I’ve also had situations were the enemy is taking damage from the mine and “static strike” decides to proc hitting the enemy away from the mine.

I still like them, but they were 50 times more useful in B30.

Thanks for help again Duck king :slight_smile:

I guess in big fights I will just have to hope they are doing thier job lol. It would be good if one mine at least always landed where you aimed, it’s a shame that isn’t always the case though.

Let me just add that the targeting/placement randomness of Thermite Mines is absolute BS. If we could just throw them individually for placement, but kept the same limit, it would actually have been so infinitely much better.

Or something.

And they are so damned good none of that matters. A little annoying at times, true, but oh so worth it.

They aren’t good if they miss where you aim. They actually become 100% useless then lol. If they miss and hit trash it doesn’t matter since trash dies in 1-2 seconds anyway so they are only good for boss killing. They should be way more accurate.