Bad comparison. I meant like one puddle of BwC.
So guys…will the DoT on things like maelstrom + storm totems stack?
Yes, Maelstrom counts as it’s own source as does the Wind Devil aura. Devils actually have a pretty high amount of Electrocute potential when you take both of these into account and with how many skill ranks you can push into both.
Good thread. Up until now I was convinced Seekers are better the more there are. Thx @Evil_Baka for ruining it for me!
Quick question: how to tell if it’s an aura or an AoE cast/autoattack? Like…
- Raging Tempest (2nd node of Devils) is an aura, and flat cold from there doesn’t stack from multiple Devils? T/F?
- Howling Wind (the base node of Devils) is a dmg aura or an autoattack? Does flat phys from there stack or not?
- What about Whirling Blades (Blade Spirit)? I know it stacks so it must be an autoattack but description is identical so how to tell?
Some of them do hint at it from the description like Seekers to be fair: “burns nearby enemies with it’s presence”. Wind Devil has a similar thing on it’s description about battering nearby enemies with swirling rocks but other than that, you’d just go on Howling Winds having a meter radius to it and notice that in practice, it does nothing yet things take nearby damage similar to Night’s Chill or Aura of Censure. Worst case scenario, you check Dammitt’s pet database like @ASYLUM101 to confirm whether it is a debuff or not.
- I assume that this skill node stacks it’s damage/effects directly on top of Howling Winds so no, the damage does not stack with multiple Devils.
- Debuff. Again, compare it to Aura of Censure and remember that same source debuffs do not stack - they refresh each other’s duration.
- Not a debuff, it is it’s own casted skill that deals damage (you can tell as it actually fires off projectiles which deal the listed damage, nothing funny going on here
On a side note, this also means Azrakaa’s Epoch doesn’t stack the Physical/Pierce/Bleeding damage on the 3 Devils then.
It also allowed to bind Torch’s Meteor Shower to each mine and trigger separately thus overlapping. Holy Armageddon Shit.
Yep. Meteor and Tempest Mines were a thing for awhile One of the few really broken things of that era.
My mistake on this one. I was thinking of Blade Eruption. It’s harder to pin down if Whirling Blades is a debuff looking at the pet database so I’d have to defer to Ceno or Asylum here (
So unless you max Maelstrom there is no real reason to have many Devils, is there? EDIT: Yes, Howling Wind is an aura but according to GT Devils also have some other AoE attack but there are no numbers lol… What’s up with that?
So WHIRLING BLADES is that blades-of-wrathy cast once in a while? What about the dmg Blade Spirits deal by being next to a monster? Where is it written? EDIT: Oh, ok, I checked it myself. It’s Blades of Eruption and it is omitted in the description.
Same as with Mines, more Devils means more things get caught in the aura for Impaired Aim, Slow and Elemental RR. As for damage, then it doesn’t look like there’s a reason no.
Just speculation on my part but the “attack” without damage numbers is what player-scaled pets use to proc devotion skills bound to them.
Think about any time you have say Inquisitor Seal with something bound to it underneath a training dummy and it’s clearly doing damage but it doesn’t proc what it’s bound to until you order it to via Pet Attack. It’s because it isn’t using this invisible attack until you command it to do so. On normal enemies, it does this naturally so you never notice it during actual play.