Pretty much in the title. Not sure if this is a classic example of ‘working as intended,’ but AFAIK from my testing, multiple thermite mines cannot attack the same target.
Debuffs from the same source cannot stack.
Does the flat damage from TM count as a debuff? Or just the -X% RR?
It’s the same source…
I see…then why can the damage from multiple wind devils stack on the same target? Or am I mistaken?
Can’t say for sure without checking the database but unless the debuff is a different aura from the primary dmg of wind devil, it shouldn’t stack.
Grim tools pet db says the base is a debuff, so it doesn’t stack with itself.
As Asylum’s edit shows, the base skill from Wind Devils cannot stack. Maelstrom can, however, as it is not a debuff.
Just throwing out as well but even if Mines were changed so that multiple can damage a target at the same time (somehow), their Fire and Chaos damage scaling at all ranks would need to be revised.
Cyclone would also need massive toning down as having the ability to throw out 9 Mines that do roughly between 900-1200 base damage as a mix of Fire/Lightning each is ridiculous.
Thanks for the information. Those are all valid points, but as it stands - what’s the real use of increasing the summon limit of mines by 3 on the cyclone offhand?
I tried making a pure lightning elementalist with the cyclone set, and mines (@ 22/16 IIRC) was dealing about 30k damage per crit which is kinda underwhelming
Didn’t mines worked like this for a while and they obliterated enemies? Yeah, mines would have to be nerfed to the ground in terms of damage to compensate.
So that you can cover more ground with mines.
More area for them to exude their aura. Imagine each Mine projects it’s own small but shared version of Aura of Censure’s damage and RR. More Mines = More enemies are caught in this aura.
I don’t think Mines were ever designed to be a main damage ability. Out of the mastery skills, they provide some of the highest RR values and to multiple different damage types lending credence to them being a support ability.
On Cyclone, I would say the damage they provide is icing on top of either EoR or multiple Wind Devils which should definitely be your main damage appliers.
That’s true. I just find it sad that elementalists are still very blergh
I just made a Pet Elementalist for someone in Reddit…
Welcome back btw
So damage from clone auras does not stack as long as there is any debuff on the aura? Cold on Howling Wind or fire on Mines doesn’t stack but elemental on Elemental Seekers do stack?
Did they? I haven’t seen anything in any changelog about it…
Oh, you were away and didn’t see this [] Cyclomentalist (Crucible Max). Maybe it was before the change Norzan was referring to? Anyway, it was nerfed to the ground, just about everything about it, gear, mastery skills, down to the very weapon component, so a (hypothetical) nerf to Mines’ functionality would be just a part of it.
Is it? Because I saw Shoot putting all the mines under bosses in his runs.
The Seeker aura does not stack as they work the same way as Mines/Devils aura according to Dammitt’s pet database. The detonations are independent of each one like Maelstrom and do stack.
It was like this a long time ago sometime during early vanilla or before during EA I believe. I wasn’t around for it but I remember reading stories of people melting big enemies like Log by throwing Mines into his mouth and kiting or big enemies that would step on 4 Mines at once and similarly melt to death.
Yes. There are some skill modifiers for Mines that also increase the aura range as well on M. Grim Fate or Infernal Knight which accomplish the same task but do it differently to Cyclone’s increased summon limit (basically a bigger AoE on longer-lasting Mines does mesh well with a channelling skill like EoR after all).
Ok, so dmg on auras don’t stack, period, right? No matter if I got 3 Seekers or 100, it’s always 400 elemental a tick, as if it was only 1? And it doesn’t matter in range of how many Mines a monster stands - it only gets dmg from one of them? And that elementalist had nothing to do with the ancient times when it wasn’t the case?
EDIT: I just tested, it indeed doesn’t. Mines tick like BwC no matter how many there are. Weird, as I remember Mines being very powerful on a sorc that did like 4:35 in
Fully converted 26/16 mines apparently deal a ton of damage. And shoot’s piloting was really amazing too.
Mines tick like BwC no matter how many there are.
What’s the point of BWC spam, then?
Bwc does a little bit of flat that will stack… But the burn will not
It’s a little more than a “little bit”, especially as far as RATA is concerned.