Things you think you are the only one doing

I suicide a lot, like A LOT! a few hundred times per character. Just to make the leveling process even slower and more chilled. I sometimes drink the Burrwitch Brew. It helps with the aforementioned. I really wish that it and or there was another brew that gave a 25% XP penalty. Then I wouldn’t have to kill myself to make the process slower…


I often go into a right click frenzy when I have fully filled stashes that I am wanting to cash in at a Vendor. The problem is that sometimes I forget that I am still at a Smuggler and not a Vendor and I think I am selling items to a Vendor until I realize that all I am doing it is just swapping items from my inventory to the character. When I realize what I am doing I quickly stop and adjust my chars equipment back to what it should be - Except sometimes (today is a classic example when I lost my equipped boots forever), I missed that the Boot had been swapped and sold the bloody thing by accident when I went to the Vendor. I also realised too late to recover it from the Vender’s recoverable trades. (sigh)

Right-Click at a Vendor sells the item, Right-Click at a Smuggler SWAPS items.

I surely cannot be the only person that does the “El-Stupido Smuggler Tango Dance”?


Anyone else delete a low level character because you changed your mind on the name you gave them?

I mean… maybe long ago? These days tho if I’m really sweating the name that badly I’ll just fire up GD Stash or GD Defiler and change it lickety split. It’s not an issue.


Ahh I see lol. I’m not running GD stash and don’t plan to😃

Honestly, if I only needed something to do a name change I would probably just go with Defiler.

It’s a bit more lightweight than GD Stash and faster to startup.

Super easy to use.

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Eh it’s just that I am too afraid/lazy to install one of these mods.

Afraid of? Temptation? I’ve had 'em installed off and on for years and I only ever use them to help others learn how to use them, to maybe test something out quicker and easier… or to name change. That’s basically it. Nothing to be afraid of. The QoL elements they provide are more than worth it if you are an avid GD player, quite frankly.

All you need is self-control and grip on your own gaming “morals”. I merely use them as I have a need to use some aspect of them. Never have I felt compelled to do something I didn’t want/need to do with them.

As far as laziness goes, well, that’s on you then I guess.


Nah not afraid of myself cheating, I never cheat in any game worth playing. Just heard of losing gear and stuff like that.

GD Stash makes backups every time you do anything that causes changes. I’ve never lost anything. Anyone who “thinks” they lost something either was messing around with it incorrectly with Steam cloud saving active (GD Stash works best with local saving) or they simply just didn’t know what the hell they were doing (or talking about).


Interesting. If it really is that good I guess I will try it out, thanks @powbam!

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If you have any questions or troubles on anything ever, just ask.

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Will do, thanks.

QQ: is Item Assistant better or should I just use the GD stash? It seems install for IA is easier

Skellies in every build. After building a cabalist and two spellbinders I thought I should get out of the habit of using skellies and build a forcewave deathknight… got lonely around level 45 and turned it into a skellie DK (which is now wiping ultimate). Can’t help myself i love the guys :slight_smile:

I can’t be the only one who hits ‘m’ every five seconds.

I do this too, especially on those vanilla map as the roadblock is more intense there.

I used to be using IA for a year or so, only stop using it when I encounter some strange glitch(?) that say stash not found or something that make IA didn’t take the item on my stash or it copy the item but didn’t remove the item in game. Decided to move to GDstash when the Death Waystone patch released and I need the 80 SR blueprint and quickly restore crucible tributes, after that human greed knows no bound.

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I was the very same. Bugged me so a lot!
I bound the map to a very distant key, hitting it only in very rare situations now. Navigating with maximized compass. QoL is much better now. I rly can recommend un-binding the map key. You cannot not-hit the M-key just by sheer mind power, no.

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Have the map key on mouse side button, always use it too. And as I always look at the map anyway, I completely disable the round minimap to improve the overall view area.

Also a funny thing: whenever I play a Nightblade character or anything else with an active buff that requires constant recasting, I use the same button for this kind of buff throughout all my characters - and after I finish playing such a character and start some new one - I continue pressing this button every ~5 seconds “on cooldown” automatically, even though the new character may have no temporary buffs and this button doesn’t have anything assigned at all. Takes me at least 10 hours to stop doing so - I just keep pressing and pressing and pressing it unconsciously.

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Lol I always bind my mobility skills (blitz, shadow strike etc) to the 2 key.

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