This game has 0 balance. OMG is it unbalanced!

I will sound like Medea or Zantai but…behave kids…behave. :wink:

Ewww… This game is full of old ppl. :nauseated_face:


Yeah, for some I might be a personal Nemesis: Old and teacher. :wink:

But, on earnest, I think it is something very good because there are different perspectives to a lot of things.


Tfw you realize FOTM doesn’t mean “Fwuffy Orange Tasty Maya” image

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Oh, boy. I was not-quite-30 then, lol.
And posting on a Gateway 2000.


TTFN :wave:

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@EvilGinger: TTFN :wave:

Some more thoughts about suggestions:

a) Which suggestions/changes should Crate implent to Grim Dawn?
As a studied economist, the answer is easy: All those which help to sell more copies of Grim Dawn. Crate´s profit is our profit in the long run, either for Grim Dawn, the Town Builder or even Grim Dawn 2. And “we” may be the players who do a lot of writing and play it often (even excessively), but when it comes to sales, we are still a minority. Only Crate knows/could estimate, what is “good” and what is not.

b) Different kinds of suggestions
For me (though simplified) are 3 kinds of suggestions (only examples following):

  1. The “good ones”:
    I (and certainly others, too) told Zantai a long time ago, that there are no pair of legendary boots which support Bleeding Damage. I think it was the next patch when we got (Mythical?) Windshear Greaves.
  2. The “bad ones”:
    “Give Skill X more RR, like 50+!”. Nope, won´t happen. Obvious reasons (keep in mind, just an exagerrated example).
  3. The “good ones, but…”
    And these are the difficult ones. Because they sound good but there is a little (or even not so little) “but” hidden in it. As Zantai said: The great picture; everything has to be considered.

An example (for me):
There was a fresh post about Terrify. “Nobody needs it, annoying with enemies running away, messes up with Crucible clear times, etc.” Well, has somebody thought about this mechanic in terms of leveling and/or Hardcore? When you are swarmed in Malmouth because you had a bad pull or something like that? It reminds me of the WoW-Warlock/Priests “Fear”-mechanic which wasn´t used often (in PvE) but sometimes could be a lifesaver. For a Hardcore Player this could be the last resort before loosing his toon, for a leveling player the last resort for not loosing the time/Skeleton Key when playing a Rogue-like.
The big picture…and Zantai/Crate has to decide what to make out of this suggestion.

Another 6 cents from me.

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For me as far as the current “balancing” efforts are concerned - even tho I don’t pay most such changes much attention - I like the fact that they are doing this. It means they care enough to try to leave the game in as good of state as possible before finally “setting it down”. That’s a pretty huge thing in my book and not something you really see happening from game devs, especially where SP games are concerned.

2 thumbs up from me.


+1…and it´s not only about balancing. I think I some time ago said something like that:
“Every patch, every nerf, every change…is an opportunity to try something different.”


Indeed… because it is alot more than just the balancing going on. They are still adding to the frikken game and -lately- shoving in tons of QoL features. Everything they’ve been doing is damn near unheard of at this point… it’s been nearly 10 years since they very first began the damned game.


an economist should also consider the cost of implementing those enhancements… if the costs outweigh the money coming in because of them, they are still a net loss, so ‘more copies sold’ is not a good indicator

As to the individual examples, adding or tweaking one item will not affect sales…

I believe that if Crate looked at this solely from a ‘we implement it if it makes us money’ perspective, they would have stopped tweaking the game already, let alone keep adding free content


Quite true but if they keep doing such, combined with an attentive community that’s seeing it and noting it down - in a way it kind “pays off” in the form of word of mouth later down the line.

It was really simplified. I expect (but maybe I am totally wrong) that Crate includes the costs of work in their calculations. And, as Powbam said, it´s kind of advertising. And with copies I mean base game including add-ons and perhaps even Loyalist packs.

I think Crate has said a few times that the ongoing maintenance / balancing is not justified from a financial perspective but more a labor of love (paraphrasing here).

Adding top quality mods to the base game and paying the modders a very small amount would already improve the game. It doesn’t have to be done by Crate necessarily.

Personally my only complaint is the balance, that’s it. Rest is amazing. Graphics are meh but still okay.

I started the game in 2017 and for a long time I stopped caring because of the balance. Had no fun rushing to ultimate with a Stonefist rebuke + forcewave Commando extremely easily, whereas my Mythical Adversary grenado focused commando was dying 24/7, had no movement bonus like Blitz and didn’t have that great dps. I had to play for twice as much to get at the same level. That’s how bad the balance was.

Balance the game and we will be happy.

I try to imagine Zantai using the word “love” - but all I see in my mind’s eye is…



With over 1.000 hours with just one toon, I can tell you: No need for Soldier. Just take Shaman. :wink:

If I’m understanding you correctly, casters are weaker compared to soldiers/tanks. Yes?

Seems another case of making a poor build and then blaming it on the supposed “bad balance”. A Grenado caster Commando should be tanky enough given that it’s a Commando.

TBH, gildor’s pulverizer is terrible. The problem imo is trying to make a build out of it. Not all weapons were created equal.

He’s using Mythical Adversary though. Everytime i see someone complain about a specific build type, don’t know why they don’t just post a Grimtools build link. Because maybe, just maybe, the reason it’s weak is because it was built poorly.