This game still f'n sucks!

This is for the asshole moderators who locked the other thread, truth has to be spoken! Grim Dawn is the worst ARPG in the history of gaming! Grim Dawn is like if Diablo 2 and Path of Exile had a crippled kid with mental disorder! Fuck this game, fuck the developers and fuck all of you yes man retards with bad taste for gaming!

Your view is your view, but if you post with swearing and abusive language like that don’t be surprised if no-one take you seriously in the slightest and not surprised threads get locked speaking like this.

and this thread is gonna be closed and locked soon enough…

nice try though

I wanna be here for posterity

Oh no, HARUSPEX FTW has spoken the truth. We all must bow down in respect to the true truthfulness at display. There’s so much truth that i can’t handle and now i’m dying of truth overload.

Omg, I am soooo glad someone told me!

I´ve wasted 2300 hours “having fun” on this hitty game?! Oh man!

Finally I can deinstall this piece of shit and go back to playing Diablo 3.


Don’t like it, don’t play it. I for one think this game is a godsend.

hah! good one

i want my money back devs, pronto