Thoughts about Green items in FG

We in need desperate affixs for +1 all skills on greens and more active/passives.

+1 to skills would become the new “of kings” and could get silly very quickly. Imho +1 to all skills is a bit of a balancing problem right now.

Greens are typically used to fill in resistance gaps, unless going for some of the more statistically unobtainable (legitimately) combos.

I think many of the base MI green stats could use more love. It’s not that hard to find a particular MI, but it is hard to find a good combo.

There was some movement on this in the last patch, and maybe more tweaks will come.


Green amulets are a good example.

If some actually had specific skills of +3/+3 or +5…it might be worth losing +1 to every skill in both masteries or a special conduit or a set piece.

Certain skills are worth overcapping, whereas many are not worth going even as far as the soft cap or beyond 1 point of true skill investment…and this is why +1 to all skill is so valuable -> it allows for all of these skills for practically no investment.

Getting to a hard cap in one of the better overcap skills is a very attractive trade-off.

Even on pants, purples are better than greens as long as you can max out resists without greens. Purples sometimes have better stat combinations than even god-rolled greens.

Losing around 20% of all un-converted Chaos damage kind of sucks :p.

Chaos casters have very few if any options for Legendary chestpieces. Vestments of Dreeg/Great Guardian are some of the better options now though they don’t have great skill bonuses. FG is sure to improve that though.

On the topic of green amulets there’s one GOOD example of how an MI amulet should function, Putrid Necklace. It provides near 50% conversion on a useful crossover of damage types. All the others have minimal bonuses that can’t compete with +1 class.

as Evil Baka said the conversion on clairvoyant makes it sub optimal for chaos casters.

Bloodsworn vestments without any affixes gives you around 650 flat health & 3% percentage health. While also granting around 50% chaos damage.

Mythical Vestment of dreeg is decent for a chaos caster, but it is obviously meant for a DEE build. And unless you really need vitality resistance Bloodsworn will be usually end up being better.

Not sure why Evil Baka mentioned Great Guardian tho as that is a pure poison chest. it does grant great Offensive Ability tho if that’s something you would be lacking in your build, then it would be useful.

so even if you get crappy affixes on bloodsworn vestment it will still usually be best chest for chaos caster. Plus it is 1000 times easier to get then Mythical Vestment of Dreeg if you don’t already have it.

Crate has for the most part have just said fuck you to chaos casters. I hear they try and remedy it in FG but I’ll wait until I actually see it to believe it.

I suggested them because who doesn’t want more OA in general? :p. In particular though, they compliment Hungering Void very nicely.

That is true of course.

I use greens on pet builds sometimes for “of caged souls” suffix, gives them nice bleeding resistances :frowning:

I understand +1 skill would make some combinations ridiculous, but the game is a loot hunt game after all and you can balance around how rare those affixes are. Additionally if +1 skill is too much, then a nice variety of procs other than what we have currently would also make greens just abit more desirable than legendary, so we can still look for some items even when we are decked out in purple.

Obviously this might lead to some ridiculous crucible times with those greens, but fully green builds aren’t that viable to farm in the first place… If it takes approxi 2k hours to actually get a set of greens that beats BIS legendaries then i say players earn’t those.