Hi! Been playing GD for a while and finally bought the latest expansion. I just want to hear your opinions for my Paladin? Its an auto attack build that focuses on Righteus Fury. I got max attackspeed and my average crit is 89k. My highest on elite was 169k though.
I feel like its not its full potential thats why I would like to hear your opinions. Thank you!
if your build is centered around fire RF why is your devotion setup physical ? go fire and get Ulzuin and Fiend and the other doods, also not sold on a DW autoattack build with so few WPS … smite and seal of the void I guess and the Korvaak proc ? isn’t an aegis fire build better for Paladins ? this could be better on a warlord.
You may have misunderstood how conversion works. Your damage gets converted even before any % modifiers are applied.
So if you have 100 base physical damage, 500% physical damage, 200% fire damage, 100% phys to fire conversion:
You deal 100 * 2 = 200 fire damage. Your % physical damage doesn’t apply because the damage is already converted to fire.
If you’re converting and playing Fire RF, you need to stack the hell out of Fire% damage, at least 2000% but ideally more.