
Will soldiers ever get a more appropriate way to generate threat?

Currently, the only things I see in the game that can even taunt is Sentinel’s Seal and War Cry. Without the ring, there’s only one taunt a soldier can even get.

Now we move to “generate additional threat,” and this is only available from Shield Slam skill. I’ve found this to be quite ineffective actually.

It would be great if a new mechanic that provided a way to generate additional threat could be implemented.

You could have any number of items that grant a skill, maybe an aura that passively increases threat from your attacks or even a chance at this point.

Being a soldier and skilling in a very defensive manner so that I’m able to live, I’m left bashing enemies with 500 hits and a 2000 shield slam on occasion. There is no possible way to out damage my friend, and from what I’ve seen threat is created directly by doing damage. Such a system is very inefficient for everyone, considering there’s no way to generate “less” threat either.

As for talking about the skills and items that I mentioned, this is to the best of my knowledge so if something else exists, correct me.

This game is not an MMO. If you could tank threat like how you want multiplayer would become a joke. The game would have to be completely rebalanced probably.

Blade Arc generates threat.

If you REALLY want to piss off monsters, debuff them. That really rustles their jimmies.

Wrong… I know it’s not an MMO but it’s a multiplayer game. How do you figure multiplayer would become a joke if a soldier had multiple options to peel enemies? Based off of what evidence? I assume you’re inherently just talking out of your ass here.

I’m not suggesting some WOW aggro system either, if that’s the conclusion you came to reading my post then you have misinterpreted.

Per the game guide under Mastery>Soldier, I am supposed to be able to keep my allies out of harm’s way with the use of my defensive techniques.

“Natural Leader
Soldiers are natural leaders, bolstering their allies while keeping them out of harm’s way with their defensive techniques.”

It is not a multiplayer game, it is a game that has multiplayer features. This distinction explains priority of implementing multiplayer and single player related features.

Crucible, new wave, i’m alone in front of a gate (the others are at the other side of the arena), monsters appear, i use War cry.
This should taunt them and make them attack me, but they simply ignore me and go straight past me to the other side of the arena.

The monsters just appeared. No one touched them. I taunt them.
There is no reason for me not to get the aggro on them, but I don’t.

I play a retaliation character and use war cry to make sure mobs attack me.
Because it is a solo game, are you telling me those two implemented features are not supposed to be used?

This “single-player” distinction then leads you to believe that having a mastery defined as someone who keeps allies out of harm’s way, yet fails to, is justified?

Am I correct in saying this is the answer you’ve reached due to the focus on implementing single-player features?