Three devotion skills deal less damage

Playing with the devotion skills, found something werid.

Three problem devotion skills name: Scorpion Sting, Eye of Korvaak, Blades of Wrath.

First about other normal devotion skills, their descriptions are like this below (Tsunami as an example) :

A. When player equiped with a main-hand weapon, or equiped with nothing in both main-hand and off-hand, description says
B. When player equiped with only off-hand, description says

In situation A, though description only says 45% main-hand damage, but in actual game test, it dealt “45% main-hand plus 45% off-hand damage”. (Which is werid, feels like skill description bugged.)

In situation B,it dealt only 45% off-hand damage. (Which is normal ,feels correct.)

Then about 3 problem devotion, their descriptions are like (Scorpion Sting as an example) :

C. When player equiped with a main-hand weapon, or equiped with nothing in both main-hand and off-hand, description says
D. When player equiped with only off-hand, description says

In situation C, description says 15% main-hand damage and in actual game test, it dealt “15% main-hand damage”. (Which is correct.)
In situation D, description says 15% off-hand damage but in actual game test, it dealt no damage. Off-hand damage was actully ignored. (Which is wierd, feels like wrong)

So, according to situations above, the 3 problem devotion (Korvaak ,Scorpion, Assassin) skill, if player equiped off-hand weapon/shield, they dealt less damage than other normal devotion skills that has weapon% involved. Because they did not calculate off-hand damage.


By the way, during the tests, I built a mod, just changed the devotion skills a little bit, make them only have X% weapon percent damage left, so that I see the damage dealt more clearly.

Also wonder why this bug would only happen in three specific devotions.


looks like it’s tied to the template AttackProjectileRing.

*not sure why @mi023’s thread was posted in feedback instead of bug report tho, kinda looks like a bug report with the DEE/caster animation thing too

:thinking: Hmmm… just saw that post, the DEE/caster animation thing, that’s new, first heard.

I posted in bug report but Zantai moved it to feedback. Perhaps, I didnt offer enough evidences or details, so I added some today.


The only issue here is the lack of clear information about the % weapon damage component on the skill tooltip.



Off-hand damage is dealt as expected. The main-hand is prioritized. If no main-hand is present (this never happens in practice), the off-hand damage is used.

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Sorry about that I didn’t provide more detailed information about the bug. My bad. :laughing:
The situation D problem do exists, please allow me add some more info to show that.

First, to make a contrast, I use devotion “Scorpion”(Which is ‘problem’ devotion) and “Bat”(Which is ‘normal’ devotion) to compare.


  1. I bind them separately to the skill “Savagery”, so that I can trigger the two devotion skills when I use Savagery to attack.

  2. I made a mod, changed the two devotion skills above, removed other damage efftect, just left the weapon% effect. And let them both have 150% weapon damage, 100% chance on attack. Like images below:

  3. Changed the devotion Bat’s fourth point, removed the “6 vitality damage” effect.(Because I wanted to reduce interference) Original Bat’s fourth point was like this:

  4. Changed the Bat’s skill “Twin Fangs”, make it only shoot one projectile at a time. (Also because I wanted to reduce interference)

After that, I start the game, use the test character like images below:

This character only equiped with off-hand (a shield). The shield has 145 base aether damage, and 116% aether modifier.
And the spirit was 400, which can bring 186% aether modifer. The training dummy at Ultimate difficulty has 5% aether resistance.
So, accroding to these data, we can simply calculate the damage of 150% off-hand damage:
The theory result is 830 aether damage.
And here comes the test, I attack the training dummy with “Savagery” separately binding with two devotion skills, and make the devotion skill hit two training dummies. Result was like:

  1. TwinFangs, 833 damage. 833 is a little bit higher than theory damage, the extra 3 damage could be bare-hand damage (which is considered as 1 physical damage) .
  2. ScorpionSting, 2 damage. This 2 damage could be bare-hand damage (which is considered as 1 physical damage)

So with the test, it seems clear that ‘problem’ devotion skill “Scorpion Sting” didn’t take off-hand damage into calculation, while ‘normal’ devotion skill “Twin Fangs” do take off-hand damage into calculation.

:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Again, apologies, should have provide these earlier. Lazy got me.

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That’s working as expected. A shield is not a weapon under normal circumstances.

But Twin Fangs (and other devotion skills) take the shield as a weapon, and calculate 145 aether damage properly (as off-hand damage).

Here’s more info, the bug has not much about the shield.

When dual-wield two same swords with 1000 base chaos damage. Both 150% weapon damage for Scorpion and Bat’s skill:

The Scorpion Sting only get 5206 damage.

The Twin Fangs get 10306 damage, almost double of Scorpion Sting.

So obviously this is because Scorpion didn’t calculate off-hand weapon‘s damage. Scorpion only count one sword (which is werid), and Twin fang count two swords (which is expected).

As I said, that is working as expected. The issue with the ones that use damage from both weapons is in the tooltip.

Also tested when player only has one off-hand weapon equiped.


Your test result was correct. When player only equiped one off-hand weapon (not shield), the bug does not happen.

Result below:

Clearly, in this situation, both devotion skills work properly, correctly.

:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: So the Scorpion , Korvaak and Assassin devotion was special, they only use damage from one weapon instead of both weapons.
Only discriptions of them was wrong.

Emmm, sounds right.
Then we change the tooltips (especialy the three), everything would be fine. Thank you.

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