Time Dilation now working

I never used builds, that included Time Dillation. But, Belgothian Carnage and Markovian set abilities have similar mechanics.

Credit to DaShiv:

Sorry for the double post! This question has just been bugging me ><

Original post: So will time dilation reduce the CD of say Giant’s Blood? Or for example an item proc like Battlecry?

God bless your soul, sweet child. <3

EDIT: Do the cooldowns for celestial powers begin while they are up and running?

For example, Giant’s blood has a 10 sec duration, and a 30sec CD. Would I be correct in assuming that it essentially has a downtime of 20sec?

If yes, can TD effectively further decrease this downtime to 14sec?

Thanks, this is really helpful! (Also thx to DaShiv) :slight_smile:

I would think so, although I have never stopped the time to really test it. After playing GD for several hundreds of hours, I’m impressed how little attention I kept to a lot of things although I used Giant’s Blood in quite a lot builds :undecided:

Seems like we need a big game guide on cooldown reduction :smiley:

Yes, it’s true. Devotion powers start their CD as soon as they activate.
Only Mastery passive skills (Deadly Aim, Blast Shield, etc.) start their CD when buff duration expires.

Thanks guys!

I know for certain that the proc from Fiendflesh items starts its cooldown after the damage absorption shield depletes, so I guess that’s also the case for the Turtle proc. I don’t know about the Crab proc though.

I am not sure it’s the same for devotions. I’d like to know. Crab is amazing, it’s on most of the time. But I think CD starts after depletion otherwise it would be a bit OP.

Same for Runeguard Greaves, Uroboruuk set, Gul’Amash, Fiend gear, grey knight and whatever elseI might be missing atm.

I’m curious about Ishtak proc as well. Never tested it with attention

Nature’s Guardian’s CD starts before depletion of previous proc
Arcane Barrier’s CD starts right after the proc depletes (similar to Turtle Shell), it appears to be up all the time due to extremely low CD

This is a good thing then:).

Not surprised with arcane barrier. Esp with belgo proc, it’s on 80%

Even devotion powers that grant damage shields work in the way i described.

Crab proc starts CD as soon as it triggers. Shield cant reapply when it’s up, though (buff from previous trigger should weak of before next can activate).
I think, Turtle works just the same way, though it’s kinda hard to test due to long CD. Crab has tiny CD, so it’s very easy to check its mechanics.

Skills, that trigger their CD AFTER buff fades, show their CD timer as “buff” icon on you. Do Fiendflesh items work this way?

Absorbing ~1400 magic damage every 3 seconds isnt OP at all. For most characters, 1-2 hits in Crucible are enough to fully deplete Crab’s buff.

It’s 2260. Every 2 secs or so with belgothian relic or markovian. I won’t fully go through it again but if it naturally fits your devo pattern the proc is a wonderful cushion

Another question on CDR - does anyone know the order in which the types of CDR occurs?

e.g. would X% CDR occur before say -Y seconds to all active skill cooldowns?

TD simply takes 6 secs out of any active skill cooldown. % cdr doesn’t interfere with this like -x sec mods from gear

What happens if I stack a bunch of X% of Y% CDR (e.g. having multiple of gildam arcanum)?

They roll/check independently of each other I believe.

multiplicative stacking on gildam like cdr

but - sec is a completely different proc

Thanks guys. :slight_smile:

EDIT: When you say multiplicative…do you mean the proc chance? The %CDR? Or both?
2nd EDIT: What happens if I have 2 different sources of ‘X% of Y% CDR?’

For example, what happens if I have a bloodlord’s blade (6% of 100% CDR) and a ‘of the gildam arcanum’ (5% of 70% CDR)?