GD is nearing full completion, and that being said, I think it’s time to make the itemization more consistent. It’s clear from all the new set introduced, most of them support 3 masteries. As the third expansion is not most likely happening and ever more so for the 10th mastery, I would like to propose for revamping all the remaining 2-class supporting 4-piece set to support 3-class instead.
BTW, I am not proposing any change to 4 piece set that is not including armor though. Obviously some of my suggestions might not be good, so need you guys to chime in more to give crate more ideas. Let’s go one by one:
Allagast Masterpiece
Storm box part of it is perfect, can be made into lightning build or aether build. TSS is not so much. @Pareto may scream at me, but I am still thinking that this should support aether/lightning devastation instead with some flat CDR .
This set can support aether lightning stun jack which convert the physical in stun jack to aether. It should support either the spam version or CD version.
Belgothian’s Slaughter
I would say that this set should also support inquisitor , specifically inquisitor seal, but it will be too strong and not really fit to the current thematic set. The set should support another wps. Necrotic edge come to mind, but necromancer will have a really hard time supporting pierce.
The Blood Knight
The set is decent, but honestly it needs more RR. the deathknight side is really slow because vitality need a lot of RR. So the set obviously need more RR. To be more fair to soldier, this set should support another mastery without vitality RR too. I propose this to support vitality blade spirit or Ring of Steel. Both thematic with quite significant bleed in their damage. I vote for blade spirit though, as blade spirit support in demonslayer will need to be moved here to be more consistent.
Dagallon’s Destruction
Honestly, just removed that deadly aim mod, it’s useless. This should either support lightning/fire Righteous fervor or savagery. Savagery will be easier because shaman already got the RR.
Dark one’s Gift
Will be changed at by also giving mod to wendigo totem. Just one more suggestion, pelase give some more damaging mod to ravenous earth please…
Darkblaze Garb
To have a similar playstyle, this set should also support Inquisitor’s word of pain. Give also modifier to word of renewal converting pierce to chaos while you’re at it, and it will be the best chaos set ever defeating rah’zin.
The set is honestly is a mess. Only the dagger is the best part of it. RR is much needed, more stats are needed. I really don’t know what to do with this set. Need some more ppl to chime in.
Diviner’s Vision
This set is complicated, the reap spirit part of the set is relevant and have become quite a strong pet set. Devastation part is not, the useless modifier in its offhand need to go. I honestly don’t know what will be the other third mastery that are thematic, not many mastery supporting aether. I am thinking for it to support oathkeeper’s judgment, but cannot really imagine if it can be good.
Ghol’s Malice
One of the most powerful pet set. I think this set should also support acid hellhound. Need more pet player to chime in.
Korba’s Fury
Cold Righteous Fervor here we go!!! Already in conduit though, so just give RF some more WD maybe. and give some cold RR to GoE while you’re at it…
Shepherd of Lost Souls
Another pet set. Maybe give it a vitality briarthorn modifier? Need more pet player to chime in.
Nature’s Call Regalia
Also one of the most powerful pet set. This is an earlier set that also not consistent with current set. It’s already pretty fine though. Need pet player to chime in to make this set more thematic and consistent.
Demonslayer’s Armament
PB is good, spam PB is best. Consistently yield crazy cruci record but never been nerfed. It’s got buffed even. I guess Z really like this skill also . Recently, Madlee also showed that it can even work flawlessly with less than 100% vitality RR. The skill is just so powerful.
So like I suggest before, move vitality blade spirit support to blood knight. This should support occultist and necromancer. I suggest occultist to support vitality doom bolt. On Necromancer side, reap spirit? Spectral binding?
The Infernal’s Champion
BWC side is good, judgment idk, but johnsmith has made a good shieldbreaker out of it, don’t like the chaos part of it though. Thermite mine will be good in, so it might be better to move thermite mine support to others, vanquisher come to mind. Other class to support is obviously Inquisitor. I want it to give even more mod to censure but I will be stoned for it, so I suggest to make fire/chaos rune of kalastor.
Trozan’s Skybreach
Will be change in supporting cold/lightning sigil of consumption and I am so excited for it!
Valdun’s Betrayal
I think this set is also not in a good place. Ranged pierce and even worse 2H ranged pierce have never been in a spotlight. Cadence just doesn’t have any synergy to 2H wps, and even worse, the rifle is not giving 100% armor piercing. The WPS is neat though, but I think the whole skill bonus need to be revamped. I don’t know, need more people to chime in for this.
Warborn Bastion
One of the best physical set. Cadence part is good, EoR part is good. There’s a warcry mod on it, but I think just leave it in there, just take out +skill on it and replace it to something else. I am thinking physical bone harvest will be neat. Big fat WD fit really well with physical damage. Also fit well with that skull helmet.
The Spellscourge
What to do with this set?
The Vanquisher
Honestly I haven’t tried this set at all. X1X2’s skater build prove this set can be really interesting though. I suggest infernal Knight’s thermite mine to be moved to here. I think it can make shieldbreaker and sorcerer even better.
That’s about it. Please other chime in to give more ideas and maybe we can get some of this in the patch and get an awesome new set to play with.