If you read earlier comments, i was talking about lack of general tactician support in sets as well as 2H pierce. But even if we theorize on Blademaster - Bloodrager is focused on bleed, for a pierce focus this set is not optimal. It means different devotion path and even different playstyle, i’d say.
I’ll only comment on the Sets I played enough to have a grasp on them:
Allagast Masterpiece
No for SJ added. I think some Sets should stay 2 class only, for the class identity. You’re right about the state of the Set though.
The Blood Knight
I’d see more a Shaman (Grasping Vines) or Oathkeeper (GoE) as an inclusion.
Dagallon’s Destruction
Yes. Oathkeeper seems obvious.
Dark one’s Gift
Yes. Moar for RE.
The Infernal’s Champion
No. johnsmith’s build was good partly because Oathkeeper defence is OP and he had to make suboptimal gear choices to have relevant physical resistance. BWC damage is still underwhelming imo. Inquisitor would be a good choice for 3rd.
Valdun’s Betrayal
Yes for the state of the build. Any elemental to pierce high conversion would enable a lot of possibilities.
The Vanquisher
Yes. I also made a Vanquisher Shieldbreaker with Thermite Mines and Vire’s Might as the 2 main abilities. It was a meme at the release of FG but could be now a reliable build, who knows.
Trust me, it’s god tier. You end up being about equal parts bleed and pierce with no real loss. With the devotion being pierce focused.
While I’m here, is there anything good about the demolitionist side of the Agrivix set? Because that is something I’d like to see utilized.
Both mines and Arcanist should be better in new patch, but so far don’t see much incentive to play Sorc with Agrivix.
I want Agrivix or Vanquishee burn CT Sorceress
You know, Grenado doesn’t have a set. This might be the place to finally make it happen.
I should like to mention that Agrivix makes Vindictive Flame surprisingly effective in crucible: when aether RR was introduced to Thermite Mines, I toyed with a silly “aetherial bowler” that used it with converted Seekers+Currents, and it cleared Crucible in about 7:30. Not a grand achievement or particularly fun to play, but not obviously worth scrapping either.
Barrelsmith + Rimetongue.
Barrelsmith is a couple of guns and Rimetongue is cold grenado. I mean something closer to base grenado, like fire grenado.
Alternatively aether grenado. Last I checked the grenado builds aren’t great. @Pareto I’d scrap that for fire or aether grenado any day! But show me? I want to see how that same build can hold up in SR.
I scrapped the build, but it looks like a more polished version turned up on the forums recently: [] Arcane Decree of Agrivix - Aether Caster Defiler ~7:00min crucible (c+)(sr). I don’t remember my own setup exactly, but this one is definitely better.
I take back what I said, grenado will need to find another home. I’m happy with the build you just posted and look forward to making it , though it’s a shame people can’t make the set do its thing as a sorc. Defiler woot