Tiny Farms overview bug, 0.96e

when I already am on the card of a farm, I cannot switch to the farms overview.
I need to close the single farm window, only than I can switch to the overview.

As a “feature request”: it would be nice to see fertility and weed status in the overview. Without that, I need to go through all farms now and than manually as before the farms overview.

There is a feature where you can get an overview of all the farms (O), same as you can do with the population (P), but yes, sometimes it may be required to use the arrow icons. Other than that just pause the game.

Ah, I might have not described it very well. Yes, the overview (O) is exactly what I mean with Overview.
SO: If you have one specific farm open (the details Window to a farm with the “arrows” as you described it), I cannot open the overview(O) of all farms. I need to close that single farm window and only than the overview will open when I click on the icon. I dit not try the shortcut (O) yet though.
You get it? @kendy4thestate ?

We cannot reproduce this.