Titan Quest in PC Gamer's top 100

My, my, what have we here?


One of my favorite games. Definitely my most under rated game. You guys did very well with it. Here’s hoping to Grim Dawn doing as well, or better.

I think GD will easy top most of those games, a few of those I don’t really rate that well

but congrats having TQ in the list, a pretty impressive feat, anbd Im sure GD will easy surpass that score and more

Grats! Tho I think TQ deserved to be a bit farther up the list hehe.

My personal top ten list of fav games since 2000(In no particular order)
1.Diablo & Diablo II
2.Titan Quest (and exp)(w/fan patch)
3.Torchlight (soon to be replaced by Torchlight II)
5.Hellgate:London (w/fan patch)
6.Team Fortress 2
10.Lord of the Rings Online

Out of curiousity, what got Number 1 this time?

A well deserved place but should have been higher still.

Looking back, I couldn’t understand the average reviews of a game of that I thought and still think is bloody awesome.

I cannot wait to see what GD will bring :slight_smile:

Saw that in my copy and completely forgot to mention it.


Congrats to you and anyone who worked on Titan Quest. I’ve been playing it again recently with the Soulvizier mod and I’m surprised at how good it is when compared to any other game in its genre, it’s second only to D2, imho.

#1 = Portal

Congratulations! Though this doesn’t come close to the recognition the game deserves!

Not saying because we are affiliated with the tq forum but tq imo is one of the best arpg to date.

Yup I just got this issue and read that myself :stuck_out_tongue:

A really good ranking :smiley: just check some games around that page: Dawn of War2 74 Divine Divinity 73, Planescape Torment 61 , Arcanum 60 (all games i love too;) ) of course we could be a bit higher :smiley:

I like how Torchlight made #66 last year, with no mention of Titan Quest, and this year they’ve got TQ at #65, yet no mention of Torchlight anywhere. lol silly PC Gamer and their totally arbitrary, completely subjective and ever fickle lists hehe.

The fact is, I’d say that while I think Titan Quest should be right under Diablo 1&2 on the top ten best action/rpg games ever list, Torchlight is right there with them, and i’m being totally honest here. I’m personally biased towards Runic because I love the team and the game but Titan Quest has a lot to it that makes it a better game content and story-wise than the first Torchlight. It’s got a ton of heart, tho, that’s what makes it just as good a game as Titan Quest, at least IMHO. Both were awesomely supportive of modders, too.

At any rate, it’s not really about who’s better than who. We’re really lucky to have so many choices now. We’re going to get to play a bunch of great action/rpg’s, when we’ve had a decade long dry spell that really only saw a few decent action/rpg’s, and more than a few clunkers.

Congrats, it’s a quite success! I would move it into the top ten though. =)

TQ is very deserving of a spot in the top 100, very deserving, it’s my personal favorite hack n slash, loot-fest aRPG. On a side note, both Jagged Alliance 2 and Planescape: Torment should be WAY higher than 69 and 61 respectively (not to mention TQ should be higher than 65). :furious:

I agree, some of those games I don’t really rate, and I aslo feel planescape torment should have been higher, it was a classic game

I would have put that game near the 40s or higher, with TQ been higher still

I don’t mean to be pessimistic, but this news is a bit like peeling off a scab and revealing the tender skin underneath.

Titan Quest was (is) a great game, and it literally steams me to this day still how much criticism that game got; a large portion of it (I would claim a majority) from Diablo fanboys who simply did not want their precious Diablo game to have any competition, so they ripped Titan Quest to shreds or buried it under a mountain of mediocrity, when TQ clearly deserved much better.

Now many years later when Iron Lore is shut down and the team behind that game disbanded does it appear on a list of 100 top games.
A “Day late & a Dollar short”, as the saying goes.

I guess I am still peeved that Iron Lore was shut down, because I really wanted a Titan Quest 2…and so in that sense I have a bit of a soured temper when it comes to this sort of thing. I guess you could say that I’m still bitter over it.

While it is great that titan Quest got on the top 100 list, it still does not soothe the old wound that was inflicted with malice and with intention to maim &/or kill (which it did…R.I.P. Iron Lore & TQ2).
It is like I am a survivor of a brutal battle that cost many lives & much pain, and that was ridiculed for being senseless & vile…and years later painful memories being dug up and paraded as a token to their memory.

It just bothers me the tragic fate of TQ & the Developer studio behind it, especially now that Diablo clones are coming out of the wood-work all of a sudden.
I would expect a list of games that gamers SHOULD have bought, but is now too late…as opposed to a small mention in a list of 100. I want a list of the top 10 games that “Deserved much more attention & praise than what it got.” I want a list of the top 10 games that the gamer “should have bought” and I want Titan Quest in the top 5.
I would expect (demand) better, and will except nothing less than what is owed and deserved.

To be fair PC Gamer gave TQ a pretty good score (84) on it’s release.

^ I understand that, but that score cannot be treated like it is in a bubble and separate from the rest of the critics. Many sites gave TQ bad scores or medocre score, and many of them chastised it for being “too much like Diablo” or “not enough like Diablo”… either way, the implications are clear, and that is that TQ was placed in Diablo’s shadow, never to see the light of day.

While PC Gamer did give TQ a fair shake, I just think it could do even better.
At the very least print Titan Quest’s space in a much bigger fashion so as to make it stand out, and maybe also put in a little blurb about how it didn’t receive the credit it clearly deserved.
Or how about make a list of ARPG’s and have Titan Quest & Grim Dawn featured; that way it doesn’t get buried…because #65 in a list of 100 is a bit like being buried.

But like I said, I am still peeved over the matter, and likely will be for a long time to come.
What makes it even worse is that with Diablo 3 coming out, I still run into people who praise D2 to no end, praise D3 (even though they haven’t played it), yet make it a point to trash Titan Quest, as if they are still scared of it as being competition.
I find it absurd.