[Tool] Android Companion app for Grim Dawn

Hey everyone,

I’ve been keeping my eye on this app, and recently I saw that it hit over 1,000 downloads! I’m glad that the community is enjoying it, and it gave me motivation to make the largest update yet.

v1.5 is live, now you can save and load multiple build paths, and switch between them any time. I added more options for searching and filtering, and made a little popup whenever new devotions are unlocked. I also fixed an issue where you could remove a self-sustaining devotion, which you can’t do in the game.

These were all from feedback I got from the community, so if you have things you’d like improved don’t hesitate to ask! Thanks for all the support!


This is really slick man, I’m relatively new to GD so laying out my build can still get messy.

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Hey everyone! I’ve posted before for an Android app I made for managing devotions (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.syntech.companionforgrimdawn) and every time I post about it I get asked if there will be an iOS/web app.

Well, I finally got some time to mess around with web building and was able to get a basic port made. There aren’t as many features for filtering, but it still will work as a simulator where you can see your path. I will hopefully get a chance to update it more, but for now at least this will do.

Thanks for the support everyone!


This is a great tool, fantastic work. Especially the feature to auto add temporary constellations and then refund them. I really appreciate your ‘devotion’ :slight_smile:

I was wondering, if not too much trouble, can you provide an undo function so your last addition or removal can be undone easily? (my workaround without this is to show summary and check the last step, then reverse it, but this approach leaves the summary messy with reciprocal steps like ‘add falcon’ followed by ‘remove falcon’ where ideally both these steps would not be shown if I could undo the add falcon). Although I foresee it might be tricky to undo any auto add/refund steps