[Tool] GD Stash

Well, Mamba. I did try both of them. Neither of them worked. My saves are usually under the C:\Users and it doesnt accept.

I had 2 chars, one I wasnt using. Deleted it. I then did try with 1 character, nothing happened. Created a new one, and again it didnt work.

I’m using C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save as the location and it still says that its the wrong directory.

I tryed it with game running, game closed, Steam running, Steam closed, neither of those options worked either.
My steam cloud saves for Grim Dawn are disabled.

By the way, thank you so much for the fast reply :slight_smile:

your username is User ?

Which version are you using ? Make sure to have a transfer stash (transfer.gst/.gsh) in the save dir (changed the need for that some time ago, but if you use an old version you might still need it), you create that by talking to the smuggler in Devil’s Crossing

I tryed it with game running, game closed, Steam running, Steam closed, neither of those options worked either.

none of this makes a difference, the tool looks for some files / dirs to verify that the directory is correct

Well, my username is user, haha, dont mock me.
Anyway, I downloaded the latest version of GD stash. I now noticed I dont have any transfer.gst/ .gsh archive or something. Searched in both folders and nothing. Talked to the Smuggler, he didnt create anything. Is it possible to create manually or something?

the current version does not require a transfer stash to exist. The Smuggler should definitely create that file however, are you sure you talked to the right person (NW corner) ?

Yes I’m sure. It’s the guy who opens the tab to stash items and transfer to other chars, right?

I did talk to him, no file was created. If it was supposed to be created in the save file, I’m sure it didnt.

yes, that is the right guy. Should create a transfer.gst in the save dir (unless you were playing a mod).

Verify your game files, put an item in the shared stash (some crap, just in case), exit the game, start GD again and check if it is still there. If it is, then there must be such a file somewhere…

I can see quest items in collection, but in transfer I get nothing when I select quest items (just that). What am I doing wrong?

I already have items stashed. A couple of reagents mostly.
They are stashed properly, never disappeared.
I just searched the whole computer looking for the transfer.gst file. Searched for transfer.g in case it was named something else like the gsh you said earlier and didnt find anything.

Anyway, GD stash still doesnt accept the place where I’m saving. I just tryed to copy/paste the Grim Dawn folder from Documents>My Games, into Desktop and try to use that one as the source for GD Stash to import stuff. Didnt work either.

I’m really out of Ideas on what’s going on and how to fix lol

That should be impossible, even with cloud saves you would have local files.

Since you are not using cloud save there should be a transfer.gst / .gsh in C:\Users<username>\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save

If you use the current GD Stash it will accept the save directory if it meets the following requirements

  • contains a transfer.gst or transfer.gsh file
  • last dir is ‘save’ and contains a ‘main’ subdir (for vanilla chars)
  • last dir is ‘save’ and contains a ‘user’ subdir (for mod chars)

If any of these conditions is true, the dir is accepted.

I find it hard to believe that you specify the right dir and this is not true. The only time this would be possible would be if you have not yet played GD (not sure if the save dir even already exists then), but that is clearly not the case here.

So the only conclusion is you have the wrong dir…

I’ll tell ya all I got inside the folder under the My Games\Grim Dawn\ Folder.

Grim Dawn has 2 folders: Save and Settings, an HTML file and a xml file.

C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save
Has one folder, named Aehoo, the name of my character.

C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\Aehoo
Inside this folder, theres a folder named levels_world001.map
and 2 files named player.gdc and player.gdc.bak

C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\Aehoo\levels_world001.map
Inside this one, theres 3 folders, guess its each difficulty from the game: Elite, Normal and Ultimate.

C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\Aehoo\levels_world001.map\Normal
Under this folder theres 7 files:

It’s the same for all 3 difficulties.

Going back, under the folder Settings,
C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\Settings

3 txt files:

Theres no other place with saves, and the one from The Cloud save thing doesnt work also.
I told ya, I already used GD Stash and it worked, now I get the error and seem unable to use it.

that is odd, C:\Users<username>\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save
should contain transfer.gst / .gsh but no chars

Chars should be under main (vanilla) or user (mod) and the dir of the char should start with _ followed by its name, i.e. _Aehoo in your case

On the other hand that explains why the directory is not being accepted…

The content of the char dir is fine

Theres no other place with saves, and the one from The Cloud save thing doesnt work also.
I told ya, I already used GD Stash and it worked, now I get the error and seem unable to use it.

That still does not explain why your save dir structure is completely different from everyone else’s and why there is no transfer stash file.

I am not even sure GD is using that dir, I actually doubt that… can you move it somewhere else and check if your char still shows up in GD ? If so, then whatever this dir is, it is not the one being used by GD

Hi, I’ve last played in Oct 2017 with GD Stash and all was fine. I came back last week and been having issues with GD Stash since. I can’t access stash, tabs or characters. I’ve searched this thread for answers and I knew had issues but couldn’t fix it yet.

My Grim Dawn is v, playing on Steam, win 10.
GD Stash was v 1.1.9b I think. It stopped being able to link the character. I reimported database but it has a number of errors.
I couldn’t find an upgrade button, so I uninstalled GD stash and upgraded to v 1.2.3c.
Reimported database and still got errors.

I’ve read in post #4151 about changing game save directory from read only. The save file is located in Documents but it’s in OneDrive and I can’t disable it (when I uncheck and click apply the next time it’s still locked).

Please let me know what I’m doing wrong or if you need more info. Many thanks.

Now, that’s something I didn’t expect.

I closed the game then cut and paste the dir from My Games into Desktop, as you suggested, opened the game and there it was, all working properly, Aehoo is there.

So the question is: how/where do I find my save???

Edit: The game created another folder, but theres only the Settings folder in there.

Edit 2: the E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\save (where I installed the game) is also empty. Wtf

1.2.3c can definitely read the char format

In your screenshot the file that cannot be read is save\main_Adrenaline_Adrenaline

The proper path would only have one _Adrenaline, so I assume the second one is an old backup which is so old that the tool does not recognize the file (i.e. from the GD beta days).

good question, I’d have said search for transfer.gst, but you already did that… This leaves searching for _Aehoo

On the other hand, if your save is not in the local saves, then chances are you are using cloud save after all, so I would first check

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata<folder of numbers>\219990\remote\save

to see if you have the transfer.gst and main_Aehoo there


I got steam cloud save unchecked, yet it seems it’s using C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata<folder of numbers>\219990\remote\save as destination for the save game. WTF.

Do you have it unchecked both in Steam for GD and in the GD settings ? Make sure to do so in both places

Thanks man, I’ll check it out soon. Now, I have a new problem lol
No matter what I search, the result is always nothing, like it doesnt search at all.
Also, after trying to import, I got some error messages, check the attached file.

Edit: I unchecked the option of steam cloud inside GD. Transfered the save from the FOlder of Numbers to My Games\Grim Dawn\Save, and I’m importing it right now.

These are warnings, not errors. Scroll further down to see if you have a success message for the database import. That is all that actually matters (it’s not like you can do anything about inconsistencies in GD :wink: ).

Unless you import your items into the tool, the search on the Transfer page will not show any result, as it searches the items you imported

If you go to the Crafting page however and search there, you can create any item out of the items that GD has

Well, just to say it’s all working now. I did import like 3 times and it finally didnt give any warnings or anything. Crafting is working great. Thanks Mamba, you’re amazing <3