[Tool] GD Stash

Allerdings … :wink:

Wir reden da schon vom Gleichen, den für einen reinen lokalen Betrieb muss man auch beide Optionen ausschalten (oder einschalten, wenn man es wieder haben will)!!!

Siehe hierzu nochmals den Link: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20752

Ein Ausschalten nur einer Option, bringt sicher die ganze Funktionalität (noch mehr) durcheinander, könnte ich mir vorstellen!?

Kein Problem.

Bist ja u.U. nicht der Einzige mit diesen Problem!?

Sehr komisch, werde ich mir mal anschauen …

OK …

BTW, man kann auch GDS auf Deutsch mal umstellen! :wink:

You do not need to apologize if problems arise.
We all just want to help and to find a solution for the problem! All good! :slight_smile:


I have a problem in using GDStash 1.3.0a. It works perfectly fine the first time I used it (I was using the Jar version). So I’d decided to install and use the .exe version. It can run but when I searched for some items in Stash Transfer or Char Transfer, nothing came out. Weirdly enough, it does return searched items in Crafting. I’d already uninstalled the exe version and installed it again. Didn’t work. Uninstalled again, removed all GD Stash directories in \Program Files and \Users\ and then installed it again. Also didn’t work. Uninstalled again, removed all GD Stash directories in \Program Files and \Users\ and run the Jar version. Also didn’t work.

I don’t know what else to do so I’d decided to post the problem in this forum and hopefully someone can help me.

Thank you.

This is what I’d found in derby.log:

Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath=’’
Sat Feb 23 17:22:44 SGT 2019 Thread[SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-1,5,main] Cleanup action starting
java.sql.SQLException: Database ‘db’ not found.
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.SQLExceptionFactory.getSQLException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.SQLExceptionFactory.getSQLException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.generateCsSQLException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.generateCsSQLException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection.newSQLException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection.handleDBNotFound(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.jdbc.InternalDriver$1.run(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.jdbc.InternalDriver$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at org.apache.derby.jdbc.InternalDriver.getNewEmbedConnection(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.jdbc.InternalDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.jdbc.InternalDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at org.gdstash.db.GDDBUtil.doesExist(GDDBUtil.java:23)
at org.gdstash.db.GDDBData.updateStash(GDDBData.java:414)
at org.gdstash.ui.GDConfigPane$DBImportWorker.doInBackground(GDConfigPane.java:277)
at org.gdstash.ui.GDConfigPane$DBImportWorker.doInBackground(GDConfigPane.java:77)
at javax.swing.SwingWorker$1.call(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.SwingWorker.run(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: ERROR XJ004: Database ‘db’ not found.
at org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException.newException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.SQLExceptionFactory.wrapArgsForTransportAcrossDRDA(Unknown Source)

as the problem occurs after GDS has correctly written the stash file, I probably have to leave it at that…

Ich habe allerdings germerkt, dass wir von zwei verschiedenen “Cloud Syncs” reden. Ihr meintet die Option im Spiel, ich meinte die Option über Steam.

Steam and in-game are not two different cloud sync options, they are the same cloud sync option… if you want to use cloud sync, both should be set. If you want local saves, neither should be set. I have no idea what happens (cloud or local) if one is set but the other is not - I am also not sure why there are two flags to begin with, to me there should be one only (ie the Steam one) and the game should look up that flag instead of having its own

Wie dem auch sei, ich habe eine Lösung für mein Problem gefunden und konnte mir dementsprechend helfen. Ich wollte keine Verwirrung stiften und niemandem zu nahe treten. Entschuldigung!

I don’t think you need to apologize for bringing this up

Ich habe mal ein Video dazu gemacht. Das Problem titt nur dann auf, wenn die vollständige Komponente in der Liste vor den Teilstücken der Komponente steht. Grim Dawn läuft zum Zeitpunkt der Aufzeichnung nicht.

will try that, thanks

given the log you posted, I’d say it should not find anything at all, as it complains about not finding the database… If you can craft items, the database definitely exists however, so the log must be old

Since you can craft items, the reason why you find nothing on the transfer pages should be that you did not store items in GD Stash… Crafting creates any item that exists in GD, transfer retrieves items you found and stored in the tool, so if you did not do that, nothing will be found

Uninstalled again, removed all GD Stash directories in \Program Files and \Users\ and run the Jar version. Also didn’t work.

removing the user dir deletes your database, so that explains the log and why you have no items stored…

Version 1.4.0 released

Full support for Forgotten Gods added

Hi Mamba,

Here the french translation for the 1.40 version.

thanks, will add that in the next version :wink:

Hi Mamba,

Here the Chinese translation for the 1.40 version.:stuck_out_tongue:

ha, first time there is a Chinese translation (I am aware of), will add that as well, thanks

Duplicate problem seems to be fixed. Thanks for your effort.

You are welcome, yes, it should be fixed. There are always some small changes / fixes / tweaks I do not mention.

Is it possible to delete all items from the database at once (Stash Transfer tab)?

You can delete the entire database, but then you will need to import the GD data again.

The database is the dir C:\Users&lt;username>\GDStash\db or C:\Users&lt;username>\GDStash\db_<modname> if you use a mod

Thank you. Worked as intended.
Do you think you could add a button for it?

That’s very dangerous!

I think mamba should make a notice in the FAQ, but no button.

When making a button, then for the doc! :wink:

I believe the FAQ already mentions the location of the DB

I certainly will not add a button to delete all stored items, seems a very rare case that anyone would actually want to

True. Especially when you moved your whole stash to the DB.
I used GDS to find low-level items that I didn’t need anymore (and to make some space for new stuff).

Okay…I dont know how this works. Ive been trying to get stuff into the stash but nothing pops up :confused: Kinda hard to test builds when it aint working :confused:

The crafting puts the items into the stash but when I start the game, nothing’s there

sounds like you are putting it in the wrong stash (local save vs cloud save). Change the stash in game and check if you then see that change in the tool. If you do not, you are definitely using the wrong stash / dir in the tool.