[Tool] GD Stash

I have no idea to figure that out. then @_@

Nvm. I was an idiot. It works. Keep up the good work!

What am I doing wrong? Cannot search for anything :furious:
Moving to DB worked.

I have no cloud option in the game, had no mods installed in the last year.

Are you sure you stored the items you are searching for (i.e. Fiendflesh Mantle or Greaves and the mythical version) ?

If so, they should be found

I sellected all items all legendaries and it only shows like 40 items :frowning: These were probably moved to stash AFTER I reinstalled Grim Dawn + updated GD stash (overwrited the existed directory).

Can I do anything to recover my previous collection? (1200h)


Overwriting the installation dir of GD Stash does not affect the collected items, as they are not saved in it.

The only way you can lose your item collection is by you deleting your database, which is stored in C:\users<username>\GDStash\db or by you overwriting that data. Updating the tool does nothing like that.

If you indeed lost your collection, you would need a backup to recover it, whether by you having a backup of the entire dir or by you exporting your items to a file (on the Im/Export page) and having a backup of that file (which you can then import again on the same page).

I have some old trasnfer.txx files. How do I use them to try to recover my items?
Just rename one to transfer.gst? (or is it gsh or bsh?) What next? Do i click import… anything in the program?

If I press Load items from the directory it appears that my whole collection might be there. But how do i proceed from there?


txx were .gst files, so yes, you would rename them back. In the tool, you would then reload the transfer stash, so it shows the content of the file you renamed to transfer.gst and then copy each page into the tool’s database via the button

If I press Load items from the directory it appears that my whole collection might be there. But how do i proceed from there?

that would be your current stash and all chars. It will not include the old .txx stashes however.

You select the items you want to import (individually mark the checkbox on the left side or press ‘select all’ button) and then press the ‘import to db’ button near the top of the screen (where you have the im/export buttons)

Is there a night mode for this tool? I just like dark interfaces while gaming so it doesn’t hurt my eyes…

Still a cool tool though.

Go to configuration tab, under “Look & Feel” you can try different “looks” … there are two very good dark ones.

Thank you Mamba for updating this for FG. I appreciate you :smiley:

What? He didn’t update it for FG. His program just loads everything from all databases in GD folder, so even if you had his first version from 2015 and used it in FG, it’d probably work flawlessly.

Ah, understood. I don’t mod myself so i guess i would hardly know. But since all i ever see is negativity from your posts i take your comment with a grain of salt.

Well that’s how I am, can’t change that. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is not a mod, it is a tool :wink:

Just messing with you :slight_smile:

Version 1.40
Support for Forgotten Gods added


So I guess mamba changed the IO regarding any changes in the item databases FG might bring.

Probably just added text for healing increase and retal >> attack. Otherwise they would not appear in the stats.

yeah and removing slot for “damage reflected”?

No idea, I suck at both java and databases. I could probably recreate the entire Grim Dawn game before I could do GD stash lol (C++ is my thingy)

Removing it would not be a good idea because if someone played a mod and wanted to stash something with that stat it would not show up.

No it would not. First of all, each expansion has a separate .arz file, so the original version would load the current GD data, but neither AoM classes and items, nor FG. You also have to load them in the proper order as some items exist in e.g. both vanilla GD and in AoM (in an updated version), so simply loading all databases is not enough, nor did the program ever do this (i.e. it loads the specific databases it is interested in and ignores others like The Crucible)

Also, the riftgates and shrines need to be added manually as their ID is not in the databases, and then there are file format changes etc.