yes, you can go to the Config page and import the GD data, otherwise the tool does not ‘know’ of any new items
Version 1.4.4f release.
Search for items from all sets added.
Amazing - thanks again for this truly amazing mod!!
I am having some trouble with this.
I use cloud saves. I’ve set my install directory (Secondary hard drive), and then pointed the save file to main drive steam user area etc. My characters appear fine in the character editor tab. Database imports without any errors. I have both expansions and crucible.
However, when I go to the crafting tab (I want to fill my stashes with skeleton keys), it is showing a stash that simply doesn’t exist in my game, and I cannot figure out any way of getting my actual stashes to show.
My character inventory for example, is full to the brim, and my storage box is also pretty full of random items. I have no idea where it is getting this stash info from. I would love to figure this out, so open to any help you can all offer.
make sure to not start GD via Grim Internals after you made changes with GD Stash then. Doing so would wipe the stash / char…
Crafting uses the shared stash, not the char specific stash. Since you see your chars correctly, the save dir you specified should be fine, so the shared stash should also be the one you have in game.
The drop-down list in the top right corner lets you select a shared stash (SC vs HC, vanilla vs mod). That is about the only thing that could be the wrong stash, if you specified the correct save dir.
EDIT: Ok so I’m a moron and have been looking at the wrong stash this entire time not knowing the tab under it was the shared one.
So anyway, this now brings me to my next issue It isn’t displaying all the items that are in the shared stash, and nor will it update to put in the items I’m adding. See screenshots
This is what the programme loads as my stash by default, which isn’t the same as what my stash actually has. When I then fill the stash with keys, it doesn’t update in game. I am editing the AoM stash, it appears to be the same as what is in the softcore. My Vanilla stash just has ‘strange keys’ in it.
edit: the program does recognise I’ve just bought 2 extra stash slots, so its linking somewhere.
was just about to point this out
You are not looking at your current stash but at the backup FG made of the AoM stash when FG was being installed. That also is why the items you add in the tool do not show up in game.
The FG stash would read ‘Softcore (.gst)’. Select it from the drop-down menu above the stash.
If you made changes in game after starting the tool, press the ‘Reload’ button to update the stash data in GD Stash
Thank you so much it all finally makes sense to me now lol.
Just tested, all working far as I can tell. You’d never believe I’m not new to this game would ya lol, not realising the shared stash was underneath this whole time… I slapped my own head for you.
Thanks again!
I get an error: Error reading ID All in table STASH_ITEM_V7
when attempting to “Add collected Illusions”
My feeble attempt to resolve was to remove the 7th item from the top left Didn’t help. Any ideas? Thanks!
that table is the one storing your collected items, changing the stash has no impact on that.
Can’t really check this right now to see if I can replicate it, but you should try
- using the latest version of GD Stash
- importing the GD data
Maybe that fixes it, no idea though, will depend on what your actual issue is - but that is pretty much the only thing you can try by yourself
EDIT: there is no general issue with this, just tried it. So we will need to see if the above fixes it.
Thank you SO much for the responses…
I have to say…I’m not sure what I did…I was already running and I had updated/re-imported by habit after an update…what I did have, was a character still flagged as AoM (not having logged into him in FG)…I did that, got the Loyalist updated Black Wizard, logged out and then tried again…
I DID re-import after logging in…there is the potential that I did my initial re-import BEFORE upgrading through Steam, because I doubt what I did above would make this work…bottom line, likely the re-import after the update made it work, I just wanted to give the flow in case it helps anyone else.
And GREAT mod, by the way…my enjoyment of GD is greatly enhanced by it…thanks for keeping it current!
Help! I was attempting to clone my main by changing the char name and ‘save changes’.
Load Grim Dawn, 2 chars, one main, and a lvl1 with the same name.
Load either character, fresh lvl 1 game.
Start GD Stash, and i receive an error when trying to change name back to original.
-Using Cloud Save (bad i know)
Now you also know why it is bad
If you change the char name, that does not create a second char, it simply renames the existing one. So did you create a copy of your char first and then copied that back after renaming it ? Do you still have that copy ?
I assume no, otherwise use that one… i.e copy it to the save dir
If you do not have it, make a copy of your renamed char now, then delete both chars from your save dir, NOT in game, but at the file level. Since you use cloud save, I hope it then downloads your original char from the cloud.
If that turns out to be a level 1 char, go to the copy you made of your renamed char, take the player.g00 file, copy it to your original char restored from the cloud and rename it to player.gds (you have to delete the existing file with that name first).
Are you using Grim Internals ?
So, I’m using GD stash. I was moving a lot of items over in my shared stash, and after I save, close down the program, and boot up my game, my complete shared stash is gone, including stash tabs.
I find out that GD stash makes a back up every time you hit “save”. Awesome, I find it, and I can actually get my stash back. So far so good. The problem now is, that that latest backup, is an empty shared stash. I have components and crafting materials on the last page, and they’re all there. But I had like 4 pages with items I just transfered from GD stash.
Going back one more backup safe (.t01), gives me my stash, BEFORE I just moved a ton of items IN to the database, which are all there by the way.
So, my question is: Does GD stash make back ups of it’s own database as well, or just the transfer stash? Is so, where can I use that backup? If not, any way to get my old database back, before I moved a ton of items OUT from it?
Thanks in advance.
are you using cloud save and Grim Internals ?
Never start GD via GI after you made changes with GDS. Always start GD directly / via Steam
No, there are no automatic backups of the database. You can manually back it up on the Im/Export page (exporting it to a file is the backup).
This is not a true backup though, as importing that file at a later point will not reset the database to its content and lose items you added since. Instead it will add the items from the file to what is currently in the database (while preventing duplicates).
So it is a backup of your stored items, not of the database itself, if that makes sense.
On the Config page you can specify whether placing an item from the GDS database in the shared stash should copy that item (i.e. it also stays in the database) or move the item (i.e. delete it from the database, so the item exists only once).
If you copy items (which is the default), no items are lost when your stash is reset.
If I understand you correctly, you did not actually lose any items as you moved them from the shared stash to the database (your IN case) and are just asking in general about the case where you place items from the DB in the shared stash (your OUT case).
If you placed items in the shared stash, check whether you moved or copied them on the Config page.
If you copied them, they are still in the DB. If you moved them and the stash was reset, you lost them. In that case consider changing that setting to prevent this issue in the future.
Thanks for the quick response. You are correct in that I didn’t lose any items moving from my stash, to the database, because I was able to recover it with one of the backups. I did however lose all the items I moved into my stash. Unfortunately, no backup exist that contains them. I already tried searching the database several times for the items I moved (4 stash tabs worth), and they’re not there unfortunately.
In that case all you can do is craft them again - and change your setting from ‘move’ to ‘copy’
Sorry, I forgot to answer your first questions. I used cloud saving yes, but I turned it off to see if it would make a difference. It did not. I’m also not using Grim Internals. And I didn’t have both GD Stash and Grim Dawn running at the same time either.
And the configuration is set to “move”.
Thanks for the suggestion on crafting them. Unfortunately, I don’t know what I had, since it was 4 full pages worth of items. I can always look through, see if I can remember some of it, but it’d be more guesswork then anything. Unless there’s a log somewhere that I’m unaware of that lists what was moved back and forth?
this is pretty much impossible. No one using local saves ever had their stash reset…
Mare sure to turn cloud save off in both Steam and the GD options.
Also, this obviously (?) does not bring your stash back, it just prevents future resets…
It can randomly happen with cloud save by itself, with GI it is guaranteed however. I thought not having GD open avoids this, but apparently it only reduces the risk.
With local saves you can change your stash while the game is running, the stash just needs to be closed in-game
then the items are deleted from the DB and lost
there is not…
Thanks for your help!