[Tool] GD Stash

Hello mamba,

I’m using GD via GI and GDS without any problems!!!

IMO it’s only cloud save that make troubles when using GDS (with or without GI).

I never lose something, unless I (myself) made a mistake. :roll_eyes: :wink:

Yes, that was for cloud save and Grim Internals. Local saves never have any issues.

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I’m very thankful for GDS, for my greed doesn’t know boundaries. However with more loot I find the less I remember of what did I put in stash, especially when it comes to sets. I know there is “collection” tab to check out pieces I found for specific set, but would it be possible to make an output table like
SetName - TotalPieces (Y)- Found (X out of Y) - Missed (X out of Y) - CraftableMissed (X out of Y, asterisk if no recipe) - Duplicates (Z)
So I can glance at the table and decide right away what build I can run next, depending on my complete/semi-complete sets. “Myst.Ulzuin… only shoulders, nah, skip it; oh, Dreeg is 4/5 and I can craft the missing hat, time to poison”.
Well, if it’s not worth the time I’m sincerely sorry for disturbance. And thanks again, GDS made the game far more enjoyable for me.

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Thanks for this great tool. Works very good.

But one thing bothers me, that i cannot change the path to the derby database location.
I would like to sync the database with my private cloud by changing the default derby path is that possible?


Not without me offering that option in the program. Right now it always saves in C:\users<username>\GDStash, maybe you can add that to your cloud.


or so:

? -)

p.s. if you play in english - this will be in english, of course

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The second screenshot is what I had in mind, just add the number of duplicates in stash and it’s perfect.

the numbers in the upper left corner of the element’s border mean exactly that

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It is perfect then!

Quick question: why the number of quest items seems off ?

I wanted to give myself a few dynamites, and I found I have 41 of them in the Stash.
Other quest items also have super high amount I never had in slot.

they are not off, the database contains whatever you stored in it, no more and no less.

If you take items out, they either get removed or copied, that depends on your setting, so this might increase your count (i.e. not properly reduce it) if you do not consider it.


So I know how to unlock all blueprints/illusions in the base game, but I want to do the same in Grimarillion.

What else should I do?

import the mod and do the same for the mod

Hey guys, first post, sorry if this isn’t the right place. I have a history of using tools like GDStash and the terminal program (years ago) to duplicate characters at various points in the game in order to reset their classes and try something different. Lately I have been unable to do it correctly, and was hoping for some insight.

Copying a save and renaming the character via one of the tools and then the folder as well (GDStash renames the folder as part of the change) seems to result in the character disappearing from the main menu. This happens regardless of whether it is a copied save with the original still present or the file I intended to copy, it simply doesn’t show up. I realized the intent of the tools is to be used on local saves, as these are the ones located in the 21990 folder, but it has always worked in the past. I attempted to use this method on local saves to then transfer over to the cloud save section, but the exact same issue prevails. I do this because I use multiple systems and it wouldn’t make sense to keep the files local.

I have backups of everything, and so far copying the old save back into place makes everything go back to normal. But I wondered if anyone has found a proper method to make this work, or anything similar.

Local editing works because it isn’t a duplicate file, in a sense. but local saves will not work for my purposes
Steam cloud saving is off for GD
Edits were done with the game off, no such activity in steam during before or after
Folders are double checked, the correct files are being edited and placed in the proper locations

Are you using just GDStash for this?

GDStash is all I’ve ever used the past few months, I tried GD Defiler in case it makes the changes differently but same thing. I’ve read so many reddit posts recommending it but it didn’t help, I’ve never had issues with GDStash until now.

Right I’ll merge this thread into the GDStash one so mamba sees it and can hopefully help you sort it out.

I know nothing about how it actually works, but I suspect it might be trying to switch from cloud to local and back again. Still he’ll have a much better idea of how to fix it.

Whatever works, thanks for putting it in the right spot. Didn’t think these thousand post threads were the place to be but I see what you mean lol

It’s just odd, because you can’t even copy an existing legitimate save into the cloud folder and have it show up. I feel so stupid but I think the save structure has changed in the past 6 months, I used to just copy the folder and rename and that was it. No extra steps other than going in game to respec the points.