[Tool] GD Stash

Yo! I can’t get the Stash to work.

After I set the Install and Saves location and try to import, an error message comes telling me that it couldn’t extract the databases. Any idea of what I’m doing wrong? I’m using GD GOG

No idea, post the message, maybe that will help :wink:

Would love to try out this tool, however I’m getting “JavaLangOutOfMemory” error when importing. I did get the suggested JVM and used the bat file to load.

are you sure you are using the 64bit JVM ? What path did you use in the bat file ?

Hi thanks; the path is:

@ “C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_91\bin\java.exe” -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -jar GDStash.jar

After downloading the newest Java, it unistalled the previous one, which was 60.

That’s the 32-bit version. The 64-bit version would be installed in “C:\Program Files\Java\jre_<version_number>”. The “(x86)” in the path is the indicator that this is the 32-bit version.

Thanks. Do you perhaps have a link for the 64bit one?

assuming you did download and install it, it should be the same path in ‘Program Files’ (without the x86 part).

If you are talking about a URL to download it from


make sure to get the 64bit version

Just a suggestion, perhaps put your download link above in the OP. I find that java.com is a bit difficult to get to the Java 64-bit download. The Oracle site is a bit better organized for that.

Thank you very much mamba, that fixed it.

And yes java.com is not the most user friendly site out there.

Importing the database returned the errors “java heap space”, “extraction of items.arc failed”, and “extraction of text_en.arc failed”. I’m running the 64 bit from the last link you gave, installed the 64 bit java runtime environment, got the same error. The path in the bat file is @ “C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_71\bin\java.exe” -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -jar GDStash.jar
Not sure what I screwed up.

not sure either :wink:

The bat file is only intended as an example, so make sure you set the path correctly before using it.

The download would be 8u91 while the bat file still points to 8u71, so please double-check that the two paths match

I edited the path to jre1.8.0_91, reinstalled GDStash, ran the Java tool remove old versions to ensure they weren’t being used, still have the same errors.

are you sure you use the 64bit version ? the only time people still had that issue was when they used the 32bit JVM, don’t really know what else to say…


Java Virtual Machine, the java.exe

Assuming you are in a 64bit OS, the 64bit one is in ‘Program Files’ while the 32bit is in ‘Program Files (x86)’.

This tool is great!

I just have a couple of issues:

  1. When doing a mass import, there are many items across multiple of my characters (esp. those that were around before 1.0 release) and their stashes/shared stashes which are simply marked “Invalid” and not imported. This ends up being about half of the total items.

The doc page for mass import says:

The ‘Valid’ column indicates whether the item is valid according to the settings you specified on the configuration page with respect to affix combinations and completion bonuses.

But in the configuration, I have all the “allow” tick boxes checked, as well as “no restrictions” set for affix combinations.

These items don’t have affixes/enhancements anyway, they were just laying around in the stash to use on another character. Most are epics/legendaries. Just yesterday I found a new epic, but when I went to import it into GDStash it was marked “invalid” and not imported.

I have been able to work around it for a few individual cases by moving the items into the shared stash, putting them on another character and importing, but this would be a real pain to do for every case which is why I’m hoping there’s a better way.

Any idea what could cause this? None of these items are modded in any way, just been around a while.

EDIT: They do appear in the character inventory and stash management pages and I can manually import them from those.

  1. Every time I do a mass import I get “Error reading …/save/formulas.gst : unexpeced End of File” Not sure if/how much this matters anyway, just curious if you’ve seen this before, or if it points to a bigger issue. All my crafting recipes seem intact though…

that is odd, no idea what would cause that, esp if it works on the char and stash pages.

Can you upload a char (player.gdc only) / stash with items that have this problem during mass import ?

  1. Every time I do a mass import I get “Error reading …/save/formulas.gst : unexpeced End of File” Not sure if/how much this matters anyway, just curious if you’ve seen this before, or if it points to a bigger issue. All my crafting recipes seem intact though…

which version are you using ? I thought I fixed that a long time ago… will have to double check

You can ignore that, the formulas file uses a different format, which is why it should get skipped in my logic

I’ve attached one of the characters that mass import has trouble with. In particular it had trouble with the items “Will of Fate” (epic, equipped, found yesterday) and “Slime Bolter” (in inventory).

I can dig up some other characters if you want them.

I’m using the version linked in OP, v. 0.99c

I recently updated to windows 10 and now GDStash states that it has an “error loading stashes”. Any idea what the problem may be?