[Tool] GD Stash

As I said, something stupid on my side. I didn’t spot the “Save configuration and import the Grim Dawn database” in the doc :rolleyes:

Works like a charm now.

Very nice tool. Thanks for your support !!!

Hello !

I am trying to use GD stash with a mod, but i cannot find my characters.

I changed the SAVE directory from
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\64235171\219990\remote\save

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\64235171\219990\remote\save\Grimmest NCFF

Then i click to import data, but then i can’t see any char !

When i go through the explorer, the \remote\save contains 3 folders
Main (contains normal chars)
User (contains the 2 chars i created in the mod)
Grimmest NCFF (contains only transfer.gst)

But when i select \remote\save\user i have a “wrong directory” issue.

I am trying things, but nothing so far, i could use help =)

Mods are not supported yet, esp. chars (as their save location does not match the current logic).

So you would have to copy them to save/main, edit them and then move them back

Hello mamba!

When move/copy a item, there is no feedback from the DB.

Question: Is it possible to show the item(s) on the search side, with are moved/copied to the DB? As feedback!

You would get feedback if there were a problem and the item would not be removed from the stash (in case of move) if there were a problem with storing it in the DB, no feedback is feedback too :wink:

Hi Mamba!

I would like to know whether you had plans to include functionality that allows the changing of Masteries within GD Stash?

If I wanted to try out the Dual Wield Pyromancer build (Demo + Occultist) and then wanted to compare it to the Mad Sorcerer build (Demo + Arcanist), I would love some simple functionality that simply resets one Mastery and refunds all Mastery points spent.

Something to that effect… I am sure you will come up with something much better.

I would just like to request this feature as it would be a fantastic inclusion in your tool!

Let me know what you think, bud!



You pretty much can do this already, just not as convenient as it could be (but no major hassle either).

  • spec out of the mastery’s skills in GD, if that becomes expensive either give yourself money or set the reclaimed points back to 0
  • open the char in the tool, increase the available skill points by what you have invested in the mastery and set the mastery back to 0
  • select a new mastery in GD and invest the skill points

As far as I am concerned that is sufficiently simple to not need more support, esp since adding more support would mean you need to be able to spec out of skills in the tool and I would have to consider GD’s rules on that, ie you cannot have a synergy without investing in the base skill, you cannot have a skill unless you have enough mastery points for it, etc. A lot of work replicating what GD gives you already.

I never intended for this to be a full editor, I just added what I considered essential (ie missing in GD and sufficiently important) and easy enough to add, given that I already had to read and write the format for the stash part anyway :wink:

I believe with a little creative use as described above it already is pretty powerful :wink: I haven’t tried, but you should be able to create a char that has all skills from all masteries maxed simply be giving yourself enough points, maxing all skills in GD (two masteries at a time) and then setting the mastery points back to 0 and choosing the next two masteries in GD. So there is not much of a limit to what you can do, it is more a limit of what you can do without using GD’s functionality, but I see no reason why you should not be using both to accomplish something :wink:

I don’t think I am missing anything I would want to possibly do, while there still is a lot I could allow to edit but is of less importance, eg achievements (number of mobs killed / relics crafted etc)
Not sure what Defiler allows wrt speccing out of skills and masteries and other stats I do not have. I never intended for my tool to compete with it though :wink:

And this will also drop the Mastery Points that were invested? Not just the Skill Points?



GD for the skill points, once you specced out of all skills, set the mastery to 0 in GD Stash and increase your available skill points accordingly (ie you change two values)

A chosen mastery with 0 points invested is treated as not chosen by GD, if that changes I’ll look into actively removing it from the save file :wink:

Thanks, Mamba!


^^OK, that’s right! :eek: :wink:

this tool looks extremely nice but i just got one question… Does using this tool change to item from legit to modded ?

I apologize if this has been asked already, but i havent found a searchfunction for threads in Tapatalk :confused:

Hello mamba,

Something else: I think that “Delete entire page” should have a “are you sure” question, before all the items are cleared!

items do not have such a distinction. Chars have a flag whether they are vanilla or for mods (no specific mod), items do not.

All items therefore remain ‘legit’, even if you crafted ones that are not

I was thinking about that too but decided against it because if you did it by accident, all you need to do to undo it is reload the stash rather than save it.

If they were lost for good, I’d definitely have added it, but since you can easily recover from it if you accidently deleted the page I considered it more of a nuisance than helpful and did not add it :wink:

I installed version 0.99c and now I get the Error “Java Exception has occurred”… weird thing is I was using 0.99b without issues.

I updated Java and now it works, but does the characters’ editor works? I tried to unlock the shrines and waypoints but for some reason when I start the game there aren’t any unlocked. :confused:
Any ideas?

odd, what Java version were you using before ?

does the characters’ editor works? I tried to unlock the shrines and waypoints but for some reason when I start the game there aren’t any unlocked.

they work for me. Assuming you do not play the char at the time you edit and save it, it should work

  1. Sorry didn’t check the old version, usually it autoupdates but this time I had to do it manually.
  2. Tried again, gave a character all the waypoints in Elite but it doesn’t have them… only the ones I unlocked the old fashioned way.
    I have version, on Steam. Using Vanilla GD, not any mod.

set mine back to JDK 1.7.79, no problems using that, so no code change I made ever required a newer JDK

  1. Tried again, gave a character all the waypoints in Elite but it doesn’t have them… only the ones I unlocked the old fashioned way.
    I have version, on Steam. Using Vanilla GD, not any mod.

definitely odd, just tried it with my char, works exactly as expected.

Are you using local saves or the cloud ?

I’m not using cloud saving, I’ve everything local.
Tried again to remove/add waypoints on one char, didn’t work.

I thought: maybe it’s changing the characters in the mods’ folder for some weird reason, but it didn’t change them.
It just doesn’t work for me, it doesn’t work anything related to the character’s editor on my end.

I forgot to write something: the characters’ inventory editor works, I can add/remove stuff from their bags, stash or main bag.
I just can’t edit shrines, waypoints, stats, difficulty, etc.