[Tool] Get Grim Dawn

Hi. Do you drag the charData.json on top of the gd edit.exe?

I am using Linux version gd_save_editor.
I start the terminal as root. Write. /path to the gd_save_editor path to the file of the compiling character. Next upon request, I enter the name and level character. At the final stage, it drops this error. P.S The path to the folder with game and the save folder configured

Ok ok. This may be a question for Odie, as the gd_save_editor is his tool and not mine. Consider dropping him a message.

Can you send me a screenshot of the error?

I can do it a little lather. Today)

This is a very good tool. I like it very much. What is its working principle and how to get data and convert it to json? I want to know, because I want to write a software haha

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This tool uses a Javascript library called Puppeteer which is good for web scraping. Effectively, it simulates a user opening up a web browser like Chrome, opens up the grimtools URL in a tab, then emulates user interactions to get the mouseover-popup tooltip information from items, devotions and skills. Then, I made a whole bunch of filters to filter out the text and categorise the information from the tooltips, and converted it all into JSON format. :slight_smile:


I thought it was capturing the data of the data package. Now it sounds like a big project. No wonder it takes a while to generate json

It mainly takes time to load up a character because grimtools takes a while to load each time. Once grimtools is loaded, scraping the info is very quick.

Although because of this, the tool is getting a bit expensive to host. I might have to rethink how to do this… :smiley:

Emmm, I think, if you don’t mind, you can put it in github and let them use it by themselves, so there will be no cost problem :joy:

Of course, your labor achievements may be shared

I’m open to open sourcing it, sure. But I also want it available and easy to use for non-devs.

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I’m going to look into compiling it into .exe’s so people can download it and run it locally :smiley:


Sounds great.

Hi all, think I have run into a bug I’d mention here. When I try to create this toon I get the following error:


What I’ve tried:
Rebooting, removing all my characters in the page, reloading with a new calc URL, deleting all previously downloaded JSON’s.

I originally got the message as the medal was being created, I removed that at Wyrez’s suggestion, the error appeared then at creating the feet as above.

First error:

Let me know if I can help test (or if you think I may have done something wrong, please). Thanks much for all the efforts in making this tool. Overall it’s been great for me.

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Hi !

I tried to implement 5 characters done in GrimTools into the game, using your tool, but with two characters, I got the error “Caught exception: bit operation not supported for: class clojure.lang.Ratio”.

More in screen below.

The two characters, which got the error were:

Thanks for reply or help.

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Oh, we have a similar idea for an Oppressor and I actually wanted to Get Grim Dawn it too (I’ve already figured out my bug so I can finally test 9t) Oppressor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Sorry for off-topic, but I do not understant this build. Gear-wise it is Acid, but helmet converts Acid-to-Vitality to RE. It is not hybrid either. What is the point? :sweat_smile:

the poison damage that’s converted to vit is a very small % of damage since it’s a DoT and doesn’t stack with number of projectiles or number of simultaneous REs.

@Willnoword Tested in SR75-76 and it’s fine there

Hi @tqFan !

Yeah, the idea is very similar, the gear differs a little bit.

I tried the new build of “gd-edit-standalone.exe” and it worked for me. I had to set my attribute points manually, but that is no problem to do it.

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