[Tool] Grim Dawn Item Assistant

The easiest way is to go to settings and click “Transfer to any mod”.

I’ve updated the help file to reflect this, and will be available on the help tab as of the next update.
Until then, it’s available at http://grimdawn.dreamcrash.org/ia/help.html?q=SoftcoreToHardcore

Hop unto discord and we can look into it.
IA should load 64 items initially, and as you scroll, load 64 more, 64 more, 64 more, 64 more…

Thanks a lot! After a bit of freaking out it worked at last. Now back to collecting my precious thingies:laughing:

Thanks for your reply!

please find the settings file attachedsettings - Copy.zip (150 Bytes)

ill try what reinstalling after renaming the file!

UPDATE: seems to be working perfectly now. Thank you for your help!

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Long time user and lover of this mod. I do have an issue now though, I use a mod called GDReborn, which generates affixes on epic gear among other things. These affixes are not showing up in the item assistant, and the items are named things like “epfix02 Empowered Miasma Hood”. They show all the stats except the affix. I’ve tried loading the database/updating item stats, but it won’t show the affix. Is there a way to fix this?

Have you tried loading the mod itself in IA?

What do you mean slipperpete? I did the load database and update items if thats what you meant.

Left side is a list of GD installs, right side is a list of mods.

One feature I can’t find in the GD IA is to search based on Reduced Stun Duration. That’s one of the key resistances but the tool lacks any feature to help sort items for that use.

Added in 1.2.7208.13727

Awesome! I will update my GD IA later and enjoy the new feature!

EDIT: Updated - it works like a charm! Thanks!

Never had issues with GDIA until now it says for the first time : 33 items were not looted due to being possible duplicates ( bugged items) the others items work fine only those 33.
(already have a lot of duplicate in GDI and it worked fine)
Someone know what to do ?

Help tab explains it, TLDR: If you trust IA, select “delete bugged duplicates” under settings.

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ok thanks i just saw it

Hi there, just got GD Item assistant working… I’m so happy. The number one irritation with GD, inventory management will be much less now:)

Now… to migrate all my loot

Does anybody know if there is an option to quickly upload your loot, divided over multiple chars/mules/stash tabs to the 6th tab or item database of this tool? My MRSI is already hurting fromt he prospect of muling hundreds, possibly thousands of items.

IA can import shared stash files, not character inventories though.

Thanks for answering!

Is there a way to transfer my items from Vanilla to Vanilla(HC) without manually importing to my second to last stash tab and then exporting back to Item Assistant? I have hundreds of items saved in both places and I would like them all to be in Vanilla(HC) from now on. Thanks!

Help tab explains how.