[Tool] Grim Dawn Item Assistant

I am pretty sure there are many people using GDIA and Win10 without any issues, it’s the most widely used OS out there after all, so you saying that it is the combination of GDIA and Win10 is not accurate or helpful, it really is your PC only.

Loading unloaded module list

This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(24c.430c): CLR exception - code e0434352 (first/second chance not available)
eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=00000003 edi=00000003
eip=76f9232c esp=00cfde18 ebp=00cfdfa8 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000206
Unable to load image C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for ntdll.dll
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for ntdll.dll
76f9232c c21400 ret 14h

Abandon this software!!!!!!

But I really can’t use

I think we have a communication barrier which complicates any further assistance.

You could try GD Stash instead.

It seems you are having problem with ntdll.dll . YOu might want to check this article.
Also that kind of issue is sometimes caused by McAfee antvirus or DropBox software.

Help me!

Awesome addition to the game. Can you add a dark theme to it? I use 2 monitors and it is kinda bad to have this white light coming out of my second one while I play.

I’m having an issue with Grim Dawn Item assistant. I have all the stash tabs in my shared account and the last two are empty. When when I try to withdraw an item keeps telling me to purchase more tabs? Any idea?

What is a shared account?

Are you using the transfer stash? Or the characters personal stash? How many tabs do you have unlocked on the transfer stash?

I’m having the same problem as NolaGamer. When I want to retrieve an item from IA it says “Cannot deposit item,please ensure shared stash is empty” and “Pleash purchase more stash pages”. The thing is all my shared stash tabs are empty and I dont know what to do.

Hi, I love this mod. I never had problems on updates. But, this last update Karpesky warning about a trojan.

Hi I have a problem with the “standing too close to stash” but when I disable the secure transfers it works just fine. Is it ok if I always disable it?

Not really. What the tool really checks for is whether there is a potential for the shared stash to be open in game as any change GDIA makes while the stash actually is open will not be reflected in game.

This mostly is important when GDIA tries to automatically transfer items from your last stash page. As that happens automatically, you have no control over when it happens. Worst case this means an item gets transferred into GDIA while also remaining in the stash, creating a duplicate.
Not really a big deal, but not exactly GDIA working as intended either.

When restoring items, it is up to you to ensure that the shared stash is closed in game, so that would be safe as long as you ensure that.

thanks for the explanation @mamba
you’re correct, I’ve tried transfer to stash in GDIA while my stash are open and the item are gone

Having a weird bug with troll bonecrushers. - they get placed in GDIA correctly - but I am unable to transfer back to stash. so they just appear… can’t do anything with them.

I have reset the database multiple times. Only seems to be this particular item

*Update - one of my buddies removed all heer bonecrushers from IA and the ones I saw listed disappeared. Note: they didn’t say “Buddy has this item” beforehand. In fact they said nothing.

Wishlist: Dark theme!! Both for IA and for the component page as well. Grim Dawn is quite a dark game and i often play & stream with the lights dimmed :slight_smile:

Hi i want to save my GDIA items on my pc just in case, i guess i need to copy the userdata file in data folder + something in backup file but what ? in this folder i can find a lot of transfer.xxx files + winrar files like ‘‘monday’’ ‘‘sunday’’ … so i guess only copy the last day winrar file right ? and what is userdata files do i realy need copy that aswell ? (i like to take only what i need)

The weekday.zip file is all you need.
Contains both a copy of your characters and an export of your items (readable by IA and GD Stash)

Hi there,
So, I have this problem with my GD IA : IA doesn’t seems to find my stash.

On my low right corner, I have this red message “STASH: ERROR”
And, on my log, I have this message : 2020-04-22 19:29:08,565 [TransferStashWorker] INFO [IAGrim.Parsers.TransferStash.TransferStashService2]: Delaying stash loot, stash status ERROR != CLOSED.

I Came back to Grim Dawn after a little while, back in somethign like january everything was working fine, but now, I’ve lost a few items trying to put them back into my stash :frowning:

If someone can help, please ! :raised_hands: