[Tool] Grim Dawn Skill Calculator

The Devotions I looked at which were Scorpion, Bonds, Witchblade, Manticore and Abomination only have the primary pets that you can assign skills to, none of the syngeries are possible.

I’m not sure it’s a good idea to have skills that a Devotion may intereact with shown. I find it confusing as I assume I can assign a Devotion skill to them and then when I play ingame find I can’t. I didn’t even know that was why you’d included them. I think there may be a few syngeries that you can assign a skill to, but those are few. Maybe if you include the syngeries too, they should be duller/greyed out or the assignment skills brighter - something to show which ones a Devotion can be assigned to.

It wasn’t, I just included everything initially(bad idea!). However, I mark pet skills with a flag in my db so removing them is simple, so keeping them was still a conscious choice.

alright, so what about the skills that are circled(sub-skills in the trees)
is there a circled skill that can a devotion can be assigned to, directly?

I am playing with mods nowadays, but I don’t see any devotion skill that can be assigned to a circled skill. Is there any in your game?

so, I am thinking,
get rid of pet skills, if the skill cannot be bound to the pet itself
then put
{another text/section as “synergies/can work with”, with pet skills and circled skills in there}
remove pet skills completely, just put the circled skills there(assuming circled ones can only be a synergy)

what is your opinion?

if anyone else is reading the thread, feel free to chime in.

Yes, a quick check of a few builds reveals that Feral Hunger and Upheaval can be assigned to directly as can Blade Arc, Markovian’s and Zolhan’s.

Druid: Tsunami, Tempest, Dryad - Feral Hunger, Upheaval.

Conjurer: Scorpion, Guardian, Shepherd’s, Bonds, Manticore, Mogdrogen, Levanthian, Abomination - Feral Hunger, Upheaval.

Warder: Targo, Ulo - Blade Arc, Markovian, Zolhan, Feral Hunger, Upheaval

Obviously I haven’t checked all the classes/Devotions, but it seems to me that the pet syngeries at least can’t be assigned while some other non-pet syngeries can. If none of the pet synergies can be assigned then I vote to simply drop them, just leaving the pets themselves which can have Devotions assigned to them.

I’d like to try using this on edge, but the problem is, the starting page ends up looking like this:

When I use Chrome, it looks normal:

Is there anything I can do on my end to make the Edge version look normal? I know it’s only on the starting page of the site, but using it can be frustrating because you don’t know what you’re clicking on.

works for me, screenshot below

my version:

less than ~3% people use edge, I just checked. Same goes for IE. (maybe because of this :p)

Updated to V1007H1.

the update should include:

skill calc, devotion calc, monsters, skills(meaning item skills, monster skills etc., you can reach those in a few days. most notably clicking on the monster skill on a monster page), and language files.
some languages(about half of them) didn’t have updates for v1007, so they are in the previous v1006 version.

let me know of issues(and if a part of the site isn’t updated due to internal-er cache(yes thats the technical name) or whatever). I doubt I will make any meaningful update in the following few weeks though, so no actual feedback please :stuck_out_tongue:

a link: https://grimcalc.com/Mastery/Demolitionist

edit: oh and, the build compendium sidebar links and stuff are updated.

edit2: currently, you can re-save the builds from v1006 to v1007 links. dont do that for builds including the class demolitionist, bad things will happen. feel free to update the rest.

a bug blocked all the v1006 builds from being downloaded, from ~7:40 utc to ~7:50 utc, so sorry about that.

Demolitionist looks a little weird…


It seems the save function is bugged atm, at least when including demolitionist?

Thats because you are on the new stylesheet(.css) while you are using the old image. It should solve itself on the next page visit, or by a ctrl+f5. But you probably already knew that. One day I may have looser rules for that :smiley: I don’t even remember what headers are those using tbh.

well, the skill table is changed. so if you take a build from v1006, and save it, it will be saved as v1007 and be broken. This is because every v1006 build will be kept on that database version now, so the transfers inbetween is a bit messy.
However, if you save a v1007 build created from scratch, it will be fine. see this test case:

as a side note, if I were to save skills by their database records, this wouldn’t happen but then when a skill is removed/modified, it’d still be logically broken anyway.

and so on


the issue with the older builds(v1006 and before) where they had messed up lines for the demolitionist is fixed

updated to v1007h2

some other fixes

note: if you have a build from 1006- converted to 1007-, with a demolitionist in it, you still need to create it anew.

edit: oh, if you have a broken 1006- link, you should post it. that’d be an issue. currently though, I think everything is cool.

Are you ever going to fix the devotions page? I notice that Aeon’s Hourglass has a fat nothing for its celestial power, nothing I looked at lists its bonus to pets, and that’s just a quick glance.

It’d be nice if I could use this site to actually fully build a character without needing the game open to look at a very important third of the skills involved. It would also be nice if builds saved would update; as it is right now, loading up my warlock gives me skills even after clearing my cache and cookies.

I’m pretty sure the version you’re on when you make/save a build is a part of it, which is why you keep seeing skill info when you look at your Warlock build.

mmph sharp words, I’d personally go with slim honestly.

for an actual answer, yea, either in ~2 days or after ~2 weeks. You see this schedule follows my free days. The reality is when I am updating the site I have a bunch of stuff “theres this bug, theres that makes the site worse for some people, theres this new game patch…” and some are more enjoyable to code about than others and some are “we can live without this, but have to update for sure”, so that decides what makes the cut. But honestly the missing stuff is a minority right now, so it will be fixed next time I touch it. :slight_smile:
I think I pissed off just about enough people I should fix it. :smiley:

yup. Don’t have access to the game at the moment but this should be it. In the same sene you can’t update the builds from the older versions. But if it still isn’t clear, I should add a text to it on the calc itself it looks like.

Quick question: is there a reason why in Grimcalc doesn’t say Olexra’s Flash Freeze also reduces fire resistance by a %?

generally tooltips are missing a bit at the current version. I will fix em this week. I meant to do this the previous week but other stuff got in.
edit: this is now fixed.

In the meantime, I just did a very small update. some stuff may break, if so pm/email me or post as usual. The “last updated” date will not be changed, since this update doesn’t do any meaningful changes.

The site will be down for near(but not quite) ~30 minutes, starting from ~now.

the builds you save during this unstable period will be kept, so you can keep sharing your links.

edit: actually, starting from ~10 minutes from now on. it is 21:10 UTC at the moment.
21:38 UTC, everything back up and running.

How exactly do you read the monster stat page?
Using a Training Dummy as an example, it says it has a Value of 100 and (lv*5)+25 for the formula when looking at Defensive Ability.

Does the “lv” stand for the level of the monster? What does “Value” mean, if it is calculated with a formula?


“lv” is the level of the enemy. You can edit this at the top right of the window, just under the {Grim Calc} header.

Value is the result of the calculation for a given level.

Ah I see, thank you!

Is the calculation for OA and DA on http://grimdawn.wikia.com/wiki/Game_Mechanics still correct?

Since it according to Grim Calc Ultimate Log would only have 622 DA, which would make him really easy to crit after all?

Why does grimcalc not instantly increase the character level to 2 after spending a point? It increases to level 2 after spending 3 points but in game you don’t get any points to spend until you are already level 2.