[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Thank you very much

This is probably obvious but, once you’ve downgraded through the console, how do you upgrade it back to the latest version :smiley:

The Problem which Game-Devs face these Days, even more with things like Early Access / Kickstarter, (Content)-Updates and DLC’s plus the fact that today Video-Gamedevelepment is even more Buisness so the reorientation towards the Casualcrowd and Mainstream, that People are nowdays trimmed / trained to that every Games needs to be developed to their taste and needs, as open and accessable as possible. No adventerous dive into different Worlds with their own irks and features, only modern standarts etc. No Dev is allowed anymore to create what they want and how they want, and every Game which tries to be somewhat niche with the potential it could be hugely mainstream(like ARPG’s in general) is automatically a bad game with bad devs.

That’s why it’s so hard for People here to understand that there are Design-Decision decided by mainly the Devs, due they have a Vision about their OWN GAME and now backlash if they don’t get the candy they ask so many times, even further the devs seems not even to be allowed to do some balancing if they feel something too strong / op or had something different in their mind with said items, and it didn’t work out so the rework / overhaul… and we can read every patch and their patchnotes about #deadbuilds nonsense.

Don’t get me wrong in this case, i really love Grim Internals and after using it quite for ahile its truly hard for myself to get back to vanilla Grim Dawn, but that’s the perfect example what Modding is for and why the Devs support it. To have a Vanilla Game where the Devs implement features and content what they seem fitting for their Vision and Game, and for us to give the option to alter it with mods if we want something different out it. So instead of blaming devs or whatever, due they won’t add Stash MTX or in this Case QoL Features like Grim Tools, we should rather thankfully that Crate opened up the Game so much and thankfully for the modding community!

So Thanks Crate and thanks @GlockenGerda and @Darkstalix !! Also i don’t see the neccessity of apologizing, because this is work you guys do at your free time and i don’t see the neccisity to justify that Real Life is more important than an Tool / Mod for an Game. I have to go even that far(which again shows i woudl neither be an good dev nor an good modder) and say, if i would be in your shoes / case i would’ve delayed an release of the GI on purpose for atleast one week for all the mourning etc and than this whole “make it open source” etc…



That’s exactly what I was thinking after reading some of the above replies as well. GI is indeed an amazing and useful tool, and while people may not agree with Crate’s decision and choice to not implement certain things into their game, Crate deserves props for being free and open to the idea of allowing and encouraging people to change the game to suit them.


Ever since I got my new monitor the in game control panel(ctrl+f5) shows up bunched together, as if it needs maximized. I can’t imagine it’s due to the bigger monitor.

Any ideas are appreciated

Does the new monitor have a higher resolution than the old one? And did you happen to increase the Windows Display DPI scale to see icons and stuff better?

Thanks for Game Speed feature. Finally no more need Cheat Engine.

Glocky has always been so wonderfully quick at updating this tool for all of us. I understand the hype of a new update makes it hard to wait but it’s usually within 24 hours and that’s really quite something. I am also a software developer and love open source products, however that is ultimately up to the creator. If, however, Glocky does decide to enlist the help of some programmers to keep the project up to date and relieve pressure, I would be happy to help as well. Grim Dawn is one of my all time favorite games and as many of you know these QoL tools increase the speed of play dramatically and make it enjoyable for longer periods of time (for us who like clicking fewer times).

As always we all appreciate your work so much Glocky. Thank you for this update :slight_smile:


is there a way to change the keybindings? the ones i use always toggle the display.

I appreciate the update very much, but I was curious if anyone else is experiencing this:

In game I only have 1 location on my list, the most recent addition I made, despite the notepad file having the entire list I had before the update.

Thanks so much for the time spent on this and its updates.


Thanks for the update. One issue though is the config menu on a 4k monitor.

For those of you with 4K monitors, this has everything to do with scaling and monitor DPI. @Darkstalix 's Q&A post from forever ago still has some solutions for it here: [Tool] Grim Internals (search for scaling issue)

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Thank you Darkstalix/Glocky for the update!!

Tried those solutions and they don’t take hold. Sadly using 100% scaling across the board is not an option. Well I can just barely make out the text anyway.

Anyway, the bigger problem was my pc crashing after a few hours of gameplay. Once I started messing with scaling, I figured out grim internals was causing it. Just opening the configurator could crash my computer in a few moments. Adding /d3d9 to launch parameters seems to have fixed it though :+1:.

I don’t think its good business practice to gate simple features and quality of life features. You add revenue streams via expansion packs. If you want to start gating content, you will wind up like EA and people will abandon you.

Health bars, even classic wow has the ability to turn them on and off. Knowing how much hp an enemy has before it dies is basic information that seems relative to gameplay.

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Zantai just dropped a leetle bomb in the Dev Stream today but autolooting for components/rare mats is coming directly into the game (toggle option - off by default). Components will also auto-combine.

So there ya go peoplez. Crate caved on it for ya.


100% agree on that front. I wish there was a feature in life where people who ask and promote such a thing would be auto-pimp-slapped. Hard. Fortunately, Crate aren’t the type of scum that would attempt such a BS “DLC”.

They haven’t been, KINDA… They have no introduced two “packs” that feature cosmetics, which, is still gating content behind a paywall.

MOST people are ‘okay’ with gating content that has no affect on a game, outside of visual customization at this point, so that is fine, but I personally would rather they simply include things in their paid-for-expansion packs than try to get additional funds from us through content packs.

A paid-for content pack is a different way to say a loot crate. Strait up.

They also have us relying on content creators for things which, given feedback, should be implemeneted in the base game.

I keep having to reference wow, but its what I know. So the game comes out. People play. They hit the forums. Devs take the feedback, and they come back with things like, group finder, or battlegrounds, or any number of features that were not included in classic wow. We now find ourselves 15 years in and the game is unrecognizable from its first stages, but that is based soley on consumer feedback and developmental response to that feedback - WHICH IS GOOD.

If crate is NOT developing based on CONSUMER FEEDBACK, that is BAD. If tens of thousands of players are requesting a feature be implemented, @crate should probably be paying attention and adding said features sooner or later.

They seem to focus heavily on level 100, top crucible players only, and maybe not alt-junkies or some one who might play the game through only 1,2, or 3 times lets say. Those players also deserve to be looked after too, as we all pay the same amount.

Thank the @crate gods they are listening. Still no word on HP bars though?

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