[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Grim Internals

New version v1.107 (x64) for GD v1.1.9.7 (uploaded 21. Aug 2022)

Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015


Extract the content of the zip file to your game installation directory
and run the GrimInternals64.exe.
If you have the Steam-Version, then you must first startup Steam and then run my tool.

Important: Steam Cloud Save is not functioning properly when you launch Grim Internals!
To prevent possible data loss disable Cloud Saving and
don’t forget to move your Cloud Saves to the default location!

You might also read “how to add Grim Internals to the Steam-library” at the end of this post.

NOTE: Since Grim Internals has not been updated for v1.1.9.8 of the game you need to do a workaround to get this tool to work with that version of the game. Thanks to gnomish_inquisition for this info:

you have your (presumably) updated 9.8 grim dawn install?
if you’re in steam, just go right click grim dawn in library, select properties then “betas”, in the drop down select 9.7
steam should now overwrite your 9.8 install with 9.7
when it’s done, launch game to confirm it says 9.7 in bottom right on start menu screen
exit game
go to your grim dawn installation folder
copy the grim dawn exe file from the x64 folder, and put it somewhere else, like your desktop or make a new folder and put it in, doesn’t matter where, just copy and paste it somewhere else than the grim dawn folder
(maybe also copy the regular exe in the main folder, but maybe don’t put it in)
now go back into steam library, and in beta tab select none, wait for steam to update game again, maybe hit verify game files after to ensure all is correct
(can launch the game again to check it says 9.8)
now, exit game first if you started to to confirm ingame version, go to your grim dawn install folder, open your x64 folder in there, and take the grim dawn exe you moved earlier from x64 folder and placed on desktop/somewhere else, and put it in the grim dawn x64 folder again overwriting the current (9.8) exe version
now you can use GI again with “9.8” - it will say 9.8 ingame when you launch game and have most 9.8 updates too

Please read the Q&A post from Darkstalix!

To enable/disable some of the features, press CTRL+F5 in-game (not in the main menu!)
to open the Configurator

A few things you should consider:

  1. If you experience a crash when opening the configurator, try to run GI as Administrator.
  2. Grim Internals is designed in first place to work flawless in Singleplayer Mode.
  3. Enabling the DPS-meter will result in decreased FPS, so don’t leave it enabled all the time!

Some of the features:

  • auto-pickup for components/mats (definable radius 1-10.0 meter / default: 8.0)
  • floating text messages, based on your character’s combat attribute type, like “Stunned”, “Frozen”, “Trapped”.
  • onscreen death counter.
  • money counter (how much iron bits you get/lose per session)
  • buff- and debuff status effect icons in text format
  • hotkey (SHIFT+F1) to toggle the Infoboxes on/off
  • hotkey (CTRL+F1) to toggle the UI on/off (for better screenshots)
  • Monsterkill counter (N = Nemesis, B = Boss, H = Hero, CH = Champion, C = Common)
  • Dropped items counter (C: common, M: magic, R: rare E: epic L: legendary)
  • enabled developer debuglog in console (only for custom mods)
  • enabled realtime combat log (only for custom mods)
  • support for GrimCam (if installed)
  • configurable healthBars for player, pets, multiplayer and monster
  • Purple Lootbeam for dropped legendary items (Thanks to Ram and Darkstalix for providing this)
  • Green Lootbeam for dropped double rare items
  • Notification when you receive new item illusions.
  • Optional “Crucible Mode with Custom Mods" (see v1.92 patch notes how to activate it)

    A massive teleport list with all spawn points for bosses/shrines etc. can be found here!
    Thanks to @Kortique_Alavier for sharing!

To make the most of all the possibilities offered by Grim Internals,
you need to edit the GrimInternals.ini file (located in Grim Dawn installation folder).

Here is a description how to add Grim Internals to the Steam-library. (Thanks @Darkstalix )
  1. Put the contents of the .zip into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn
  2. Go on Steam and press : Add a game and then the , Add a Non-Steam game.
  3. Press on Browse and search for the GrimInternals.exe executable in the folder and after clicking on it press on “Add selected Programs”
  4. In the steam Library below the Grim Dawn game launcher there will be the GrimInternals one too.Right click on this and press on properties.
  5. Here You can rename it if you want or add any optional parameters like /d3d9, this also reduces some fps drops in old setups
  6. Maybe you will have to add the GrimInternals.exe into your antivirus exceptions in case you still have issues.
Here is a description how to add Grim Internals to the Steam-library for Linux. (Thanks @AO7)
  1. Fetching Grim Dawn launch Script.
    • Override launch options of Grim Dawn (vanilla) to “PROTON_DUMP_DEBUG_COMMANDS=1 %command%”
    • Launch Grim dawn (don’t exit yet) and navigate to /tmp/proton_ folder.
    • Copy the run script in there to any location you like (now you may close Grim dawn after copy).
  2. Setting up launching via GI
    • Edit this run script’s DEF_CMD variable to point to Grim Internals exe you’ve extracted in Grim Dawn installation folder. [Same path, only executable file name will change]
    • Remove any trailing options in that variable.
    • Add env before the PATH variable of that run script
  3. Setting up GI desktop file
    • Make a copy of the Grim Dawn .desktop file in the same location with a different name (I use Grim Dawn+.desktop)
    • Use an absolute path to the edited run script as value of Exec.
  4. Adding GI to steam library
    • Go to Games → Add non-steam game to library from steam UI.
    • Select the recently created .desktop file (Grim Dawn+.desktop in my case) and click on “Add selected programs”
  5. Migrating GD options to GI
    • Simply add the launch option overrides done for Grim Dawn to our non-steam game.

Use this tool at your own risk!
I’m not responsible for any kind of damage this tool made to your character/stash files.
Always make a backup of your save files before using this tool!

A special THANK YOU goes to Darkstalix!
He has accompanied Grim Internals since its release in 2017 and
has proposed many improvements! :wink:

Localization file updated 2021-01-29T23:00:00Z
Ask your favorite Localization-Manager to translate it to your preferred language
and to add it to one of the Grim Dawn Localization tag-files (e.g. “tags_ui.txt”)
Localization_GrimInternals.txt (5.4 KB)


Looks interesting, I am looking forward to giving it a try next time I have some time to play.

1 Like

Post reserved for further edits :stuck_out_tongue:


If your friends install it, it should work for them just fine. As is, however… It shouldn’t affect Multiplayer, only what YOU see. And if your friends install it, only THEY would see it for THEIR character. It’s not like it’d just show whenever any character was trapped, just yours.

Making it a mod doesn’t actually change this at all, and in fact would make it worse for Multiplayer. As it stands, you can install this and play with people who do not have it installed. If it’s a mod, then you’d only be able to play with people with the mod installed.

Nssheepster, thank you for answering the questions!
I couldn’t have done it better… :stuck_out_tongue:

Very very nice! thanks for this man

Now only if someone add something like this with healthbars for multiplayer

I’m glad you like it!

Never played multiplayer before so I don’t know what you mean exactly.

Update: V1.1 in first post
added statistic text for damage types (except environment damage).

So, if you can’t memorize the icons (like I do) for the DoT (damage over time/ duration damage) this could be for you!
If enabled (inGame by pressing Shift + F1) it shows the DurationDamageTypes in text-form
in the upper right corner of the screen.

Also you can see now the “fixed damage types” like fumble, runspeed, etc…

Might you check the file link??? I can’t get it to download. :eek:

Hmm, I have no problem to download the attached file from my first post.
But you can try this link to download it from my dropbox.

Thank you very much Dropbox link worked fine, not so the attachment one in your 1st post, no matter how I try I always get a file called “attachment.php” :confused:.

Update V1.12
exchanged the MessageBox-Notification with an inGame-Notification if
you enable/disable the StatisticTextDamage display.

Grab it from my first post or herelink

You’re welcome!
I guess your issue is related to your browser.

Thanks for the tiny update, which game are you playing?? :stuck_out_tongue: I see pets and other animals in your screenshot :rolleyes:

P.S.: Yep I only use IE11 as a web browser, tried Chrome and FireFox so far, didn’t like them at all :undecided:

Yeah, these 2 camels and the dog are old friends of mine from Titan Quest. They are visiting me here at Devil’s Crossing. Now they ate all my Royal Jelly and lick the Aether Crystals… :smiley:

Always the same with friendly visitors, they just keep making problems :smiley:

…and the question is how to get rid of them without being rude. :stuck_out_tongue:

The best case would be to not even let them in but in your case it seems to late :wink:

When i try to launch it after i get an error of wrongfilesize even if i used the newer version of this. It need an update i suppose?

Hey Glockengerda, any chance you could update Grim Internals for GD v1.0.1.1?