[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

I’m sorry for the OT post, but GlockenGerda has to be greatest username ever. I lol every time I read it. :rofl:

On topic: Thanks for your hard work and congrats, without you auto-pickup of components might have never made it into the game. :upside_down_face:

The username is only funny for german speaking readers! :innocent:

Thanks! I’m really happy that auto-loot for components will be in the core game with the next patch!
I have hope, that someday we’ll get healthbars for heroes/bosses too!

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Welcome back Glocky :smiley:


Put it in again please!
Even with “only” the Updates it is awesome. Healthbars, DPS, Timer…these are the things I need and I will gladly donate for this.

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Thank you, Rhylthar!
I really appreciate that, but please buy the Grim Dawn Loyalist Item Pack instead to support Crate! :smiley:
Without GD, there would be no GI!


If I don’t use the tool, I have no problems with MP games using the standard GD.exe.

Pffft…already done that! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And that I don´t use because I like other illusions much more. :wink:

I’d appreciate the opportunity to donate for the time and effort you’ve already put into Grim Internals. I just recently picked up Grim Dawn again and even more recently looked into some quality of life modding. Grim Internals is a big improvement to Grim Dawn.

Perhaps you could put a notification next to the donation link making it clear that donations are to support the ongoing maintenance and not new features?

EDIT: And I already bought the second Loyalist pack. :slight_smile:

I had a crash without the tool. First time the game has crashed on me. I think there are others getting crashes with the new version that came out.

Im sure everyone here would agree that the donation link SHOULD be there
There are so many QoL things that you deserve the extra tribeers Glocky
What are the other peeps in here think?

Lets piss her of so she put its back She definitely deserve the beers:]

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First thing : thank you for this amazing tool, it really makes the game feels better (I mean this game is really good but QoL things matter too).

Since the last patch (game and tool) I can’t play anymore with my friend if we both use your tool (one of us has to sacrifice himself). Do you think you can do something about it or is this just on Crate’s side ?

Have you downloaded and installed the latest version of GI?

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Yes I have

Yes I did ! I had to reset my ini… GI couldn’t start with my previous… I delete it and was ok…

So now it’s back and so nice as usual !

Can you explain what is the problem tho?
Not running? crashing? not connecting?

If I try to join my friend, his game crashes and if he wants to join me my game doesn’t crash but nothing happen for him, he just can’t connect.

i had that problem yesterday tbh and i could join only on 32bit client but then i had no prob
Lets wait for some feedback from Glocky cause its weird

guys im new here my grim dawn is

Same here, anyone knows how to fix this?

Are you on Steam or GoG?
Please check if your GD version is really v1.1.3.0.
Also try to verify your game files.