[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Sure, just rename the file to “pfx_lootsparkle04.pfx”; that’s the legendary lootsparkle fx name.

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Thanks for your offer, kakikakeks, but I’m not going to add a drop down menu,
instead I will add the possibility to change the SFX manually by the user.
It’s the same method as for changing the legendary SFX (Details are in the Q&A)

It’s the easiest/fastest way to implement it for me :wink:

I just tested GI together with the france language enabled, but I got no crash.
So there must be another reason why it isn’t not working for you!

I agree completely.

While implementing a double-rare green loot beam makes sense; adding an epic loot beam does not.

Keep it up Glocken :+1:

Thats a good approach as well. If these sounds meet your requirements feel free to use them as you want. I can do adjustments if needed. DropSounds.zip (790.0 KB)

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What grimarillion version do you have installed?
The issue exists since v73+.
I assume you’re on v72?

I did my best to match up the font of the epic blueish item peeps hope you like it
Throw the fx folder i have in the zip into the Settings folder(installation folder one)

@GlockenGerda Glocky my bad i was on v72 indeed


Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:
I’ll use “DropSound3.wav” for the double rare item dop sound fx.
Any user can change it, if they don’t like it anyways!

Edit: I increased the volume a bit, so that the SFX is better to hear during combat.


A simple volume increase will lead to clipping, since they are already normalized. Please check out the compressed versions of the sounds. Let me know if the loudness suffices. (I have also enclosed a 4. drop sound) DropSounds_v2.zip (1.1 MB)

If there is interest I could share a small collection of drop sounds one day.

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Grim Internals (x64) v1.86 Download-Link (MEGA)

  • added a green loot beam/SFX for dropped items with rare affixes
    Default OFF; enable it with the Configurator under “Misc Stuff”, checkbox “Double Rare Affix Items SFX”

    “Double Rare” Loot beam idea by @Ryoki
    “Double Rare” Loot beam created by @DarkStalix
    “Double Rare” SFX created by @kakikakeks

    How to use your own double rare item dropsound:
    You can use any wav file, but it must have the name “DoubleRareDrop.wav” and you must copy it
    to [Grim Dawn Installation Dir]/Settings/sound/DoubleRareDrop.wav

Known issues:

  • Steam Cloud Save is not functioning properly when you launch Grim Internals!
    To prevent possible data loss disable Cloud Saving!
  • some tooltips in the Configurator are missing.
  • The Configurator window becomes unaligned and illegible when the desktop DPI scaling
    is set higher than 100% (A workaround is in the Q&A section, please read it!)
  • You can’t edit/delete teleport locations within the Configurator;
    instead use an external texteditor to edit the file “GrimInternals_TeleportList.txt”.

I can’t test the Lootbeam/SFX, because hmm… I haven’t found any item with rare affixes during my 1h playtesting.
I only tested it by dropping a double rare item from my inventory. :upside_down_face:

Edit: There is a bug with the “Double Rare SFX” in MP.
Don’t enable it for now when playing MP!
A bugfix is on the way (tomorrow) …


I’m now using “DropSound4_v2.wav”; that sound is my favourite! Thanks again!

So the green loot beam is off by default or just the sfx?

Also, did you add a separate line in the ini for the new beam?

Super-thanks Glocken!!

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Loot beam and SFX are bound together and is OFF by default.

There is a separate line in the .ini

but you don’t need it, because of the checkbox in the Configurator.

All loot beams can be disabled with “LootBeam=false” in the .ini

Thanks for your work on the beam. Would it be possible to make a variant where the blue beam only has a wider radius on the ground and does not reach the sky? Something like this:

I guess that adding sfx for epic drops can still not be achived by simply adding a file to the folder structure like for the existing vfx? It would be so nice if crate would add a placeholder that the community could easily modify the sounds in the folder structure like for the vfx.

I am glad that I could help.


So for clarification, if I have “LootBeam=True” and the two sfx notifications set to “False”, I get both purple/green beams without the sound effects??

Thanks, and sorry if I’m buggin’ ya with questions.

(Clearly I want the beams but not the sfx notifications etc)

jesus i was so late :frowning: you already released it xD
I had some mistakes in the previous versions of the beams please use these on the next release @GlockenGerda and everyone else
I will delete the previous versions and please use these below i have both of them included the green and the blue updated(link removed check the Q&A for the epic version)
You might not see the difference in the colors sometimes but its there
Apologies ;p

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I would love too tbh
But the way the sparks are coded to be drawn are at random cases of the items and they randomly go here and there on the dropped item’s surface
I wish i could code that behavior but i cant :confused:

Ah, no, I’ll change it with the next patch so you can have the beams, but the SFX will be disabled if you
set “DroppedDoubleRareSfxNotification=false”. Makes sense :wink:

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No problem!
Next patch will be tomorrow evening, I guess!


Thank you very much - you’re awesome!

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