[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Bu… But I like to zoom :open_mouth:
Can I please use it even if its broken? :frowning:

Do you even need this further zoom out for resolutions higher than 1920? :slight_smile:

[tested and it still works for 1280]

This is really good. I always stress out that some of my devos is not bound (used to be GDStash bug that erased your bindings for example) due to some reason. Now I don’t have too.

As ever, Glock, We bow before your great work !

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Tried the 1.99a hotfix.

Got an error message Tag not found : tagGI_CloudSavingWarning

Its only happening when Im playing fullscreen, so I cant click on the message. On windowed I get your warning (dont even know why, because cloud saving is deactivated) and can click ok and everything is working fine. And the error message is telling me to change it from my steam cloud but I am playing the GOG version

I want to translate this program and use it. Is there a way? (Non-English speaking countries)

Thanks for the report!
I’ll remove the message box with the next hotfix and replace it with a Grim Dawn dialog box for better compatibility.

The Configurator is only available in English language; the info box text
can be translated as @FOE has mentioned!

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Grim Internals (x64) v1.99b for GD Patch v1.1.9.0
Download-Link (MEGA)
Download-Link (Google Drive)



  • fixed a bug that caused GI to crash when using the GOG version of the game


  • Launching GI while Cloud Saving is enabled will show up a warning message (as a reminder that there are issues)
    You can disable the warning message in the .ini file:
  • Added new entries for the .ini file
    ShowInactiveItemSkills=True (shows inactive item skills (because of a missing dependancy) in the info box (marked with a “(!)”).
    ShowInactiveDevotionSkills=True (unbound Devotion skills will be shown in the info box (marked with a “(!)”).
  • Added two new hotkeys for the Main Menu Zoom Modus (introduced with v1.97, can be activated with the entry “MainMenuZoom=True” in the .ini file.)
    Hotkey ‘K’ toggles the glow effect of a selected hardcore character on/off
    Hotkey ‘A’ changes the current ‘idle’ animation of a selected character to ‘walking’, ‘running’ or ‘attacking’ for a certain period of time.

Known issues:

  • Steam Cloud Save is not functioning properly when you launch Grim Internals!
    To prevent possible data loss, disable Cloud Saving in the game options menu!

Is there a way to turn off pet names and/or health values & percentages while keeping the health bar if non-zero? I’d like a clean look when my pets aren’t damaged.

@GlockenGerda, is 1.99b only for the GoG version? I get an error when launching 1.99b with Steam and it states "This verison of Gim Internals is not compatible with this version of Grim Dawn.

My Steam copy starts up just fine with 1.99b.

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Also getting not compatible message when running 1.99b on definitive edition since the update.

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Nothing has changed on my end. Grim Dawn runs fine with GI 1.99 and 1.99a but 1.99b won’t even start.

Not sure why people always think that chiming in with “It’s not broken for me” somehow means it should be working for everyone or that it will somehow magically make it work.

Most Errors rarely effect people across the board. Your comment isn’t helpful and does not change the fact that 1.99b has broken Grim Dawn for other people.

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Drop the attitude.

You said…

…which happens to be a question.


…was me answering YOUR question. In other words this is a clear indicator that 1.99b was not ONLY for the GoG version.

We clear now on how that works?

On the contrary it happens to be quite helpful for Glocken to know that it does, in fact, work for others on Steam. All such information is useful to a developer when trying to figure out what a problem might be.

I am tired of your attitude and narcissism . I blocked you on Steam over a year ago because of it and now I am going to block you here.

Are we clear on how that works?

Good riddance.

Buh bye. It’s ironic isn’t it… because noone had any attitude or problem until you provided it. But now we know that you were pre-disposed to give me snark from the get-go no matter what I said because of apparently old woes you seem to have.


Thank you for your comment. If more people experience this issue then @GlockenGerda can come up with a fix.

… but nothing changed in v1.99b that would explain why v1.99 and v1.99a is working for you and @Seric and v1.99b not.

Send me your GrimDawn.exe file as a .zip file and I’ll take look!

My Steam copy starts up just fine with 1.99b. :innocent:


Grim Dawn.zip (2.9 MB)

Edit: Nevermind. 1.99b is working now. Odd.

Hi newbie here, Which version of GrimInternals works for v1.1.9.0 repack by DODI ?
I tried you 1.99a & 1.99b but both of them says not compatible with my grim dawn version.