[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Wilhelm´s Scream XD
While we´re at it: an enhanced volume / altered sound for some other important situations is maybe possible?
Blast shield, Behemoth, Ghoul, Ishtak… I keep overhearing those in chaotic situations.

You could also extract those sounds, boost their volume and pack them again.

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The glass breaking sound is well suited for this purpose, imo; I take it! Many thanks!
If someone doesn’t like this sound, he can replace or disable it.

I created a simple text message that stays on the screen for 3 seconds and in combination
with the glass breaking sound that should get enough attention.


Is there still a 32-bit version of this available?

The game isn’t playable for me in 64-bit mode, I get freezes within minutes sadly :frowning:

No, a 32-bit version does no exist anymore (since 2 years, I believe).

WAIT HOLD UP. This “square” on map fix. You’ve fixed grim dawns map bug? Example found on reddit: https://imgur.com/pbBK6T8


Yes, this is the “square” map bug I was referring to in the patch notes.
This error occasionally occurs when someone enters a new map area but then
for whatever reason decides to return to the main menu.
The last entry in the fow data list then become corrupted (from time to time) and can
produce this map issue.


So you’ve been able to fix an ancient Titan quest bug and grim dawn bug but crate themselves couldn’t? You impress me.

@GlockenGerda, i wanted to ask a question. It has a Shaman skill with the name of Wind Devils, which lasts 14 seconds. Is there a form of duration counter, appearing on the screen, next to her name? It would be easier to know the right time to generate another one, without pressing the button like crazy.
Sorry for my English!


Uhm lol Glocky such a badass xD
I recall zantai and the dev team were trying to figure this out for so long and couldnt, but you did :]


I can add the remaining cooldown time next to the skill name, but it might be easier to look at
the skill icon on your hotbar to determine when the cooldown is over.

The GI’s buff list on the left side on the screen can get very long and therefore it can be hard
to find the cooldown time of the buffs you want to watch in the heat of a fight.

Idk, I guess the devs haven’t tried hard to find what is causing this, because it is not a game breaking bug, and bug hunting cost time and money.

Pretty much this - they’ve said in the past they aren’t going to waste time on it since, as you note, it’s not game-breaking. Who knows, maybe since you figured it out they will look at what you did/found and slip it in. Maybe post a detailed breakdown of what you did in the playtesters section?

Can you consider to add a small change to the teleport feature.
I mean if i have a long teleport list (like totems, bosses, …), i teleport once, clear the totem and teleport to the next cord, i need to scroll down for quite sometime if the next teleport cord is at the middle or the bottom. GI can remember the last teleport location but can it remember the position of the location in the teleport list too, to help save time on scrolling. Many thanks.
BTW, if GI can detect changes on the teleport list in realtime, it will be even greater.
Sorry for my bad english.

Probably the best way would be if you could sort/create custom categories or groups of locations and then be able to switch between them on the fly in the tool. This way you could cobble together a short list of a group of locations you want to hit in succession without having to deal with scrolling thru all the rest.

Weeks ago I sent Zantai and Rhis a private message and I asked if they want to use this bug fix in their game; I got no answer at all, so I assume they are not interested.

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No, the GUI I’m using has no such function to set the position within the scroll list. I’m sorry!

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So what about the real time update of the list instead of only load at start. I mean the list can be long, and if i clear some totem, i just delete it in the teleport list and it will be shorter :smiley:

No real-time update, but the teleport list is read in again when the configurator is opened (with next GI patch).


Every error message (!) bad…

Every message regular error window