[Tool] Grim Internals

This is happening to me as well on Steam version. I have the latest version of GD, and downloaded the latest of GI from the link on page 1. When I go to launch GI, it brings up the same error about Update Grim Internals. I’ve tried re-downloading GI and reinstalling GD from scratch. Any ideas?

Ah, I see GD is at version now… Ignore me.

There is new patch (hotfix) for Grim Dawn. We have to wait for GrimInternals update. I played with GI till my game crashed and updated few minutes ago.

The new hotifx is live for GD, this should fix the the crash issues with freezing enemies. But yes, GI needs to be updated, so please be patient.

nvm waiting for update

Read the posts above you.

Update v1.753 (x86) Download-Link (Google Drive)

  • updated for Grim Dawn v1.1.1.1 (Hotfix 2) (x86) version
  • fixed a bug that crashed the game by opening the Configurator in mainmenu
  • Oathkeeper: auto-pickup works now together with skill “Eye of Reckoning”
  • Configurator: checkbox “Disable SkillNotReady SFX” is now obsolete (will be removed in the next patch)

Huzzah! Spin-to-loot lives! Thank you sir!

You can now replace that checkbox with auto loot blueprints?

I only tested it short; can’t say how the auto-pickup will behave in combat!
Let me know … :slight_smile:

You are a star, thank you :slight_smile:

Yikes, an update already?

You are spoiling us. Much appreciated!

There wasn’t much to change for me in this update … :smiley:

Installed and using it with Eye of Reckoning right now. Works like a charm. Will let you know if something is not working. Thanks for your hard work!

PS: Can’t wait for the x64 Version. That will be nuts.

PS2: Even tho I must say, not really that much of a FPS difference from x86 to x64… not yet. :smiley: <3

Thanks for the updates and tools in general! :smiley:

WW works fine with auto pickup, so thank you so much, can’t live without this awesome mod!

Is it actually possible to play with the tool even if you have not bought “Forgotten Gods” yet?

I dont have time to play at the moment, so i dont get the expansion. I have downloaded all versions of the tool, which one would work with the game without “FG”?

I dont get the last patch Hotfix 2…i think the reason is that i dont have “FG” at the moment.

I would assume yes, as the mod is dependent on the EXE not the content. but I can’t give you a certain answer on this.


I just found another way to make Grim internals run without being necessary to add the grim internal on steam.

To do this it is necessary to open the Properties of the game with Right Click and then click on General > Set Launch Options and insert the .exe directory like this:

“E:\Jogos\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\GrimInternals.exe” %command%

It is necessary the quotation marks and the %command%, without the %command% the game run without the mod.

This update broke the GOG version. Now it is impossible to use it with GOG. I am getting a message to update the mod when there is no update.

You dont have to actually install that shortcut on steam as i proposed long ago tho.
You can just run the shortcut as long as the .exe of the internals is in the game base folder. Its just that some people had problem running it and we did it that way so ppl could add launch options since its easier doing in from the steam shortcuts with the Set Launch Options

GoG is not supported yet