[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Personally, I do not play Grim Dawn very often,
Therefore, it is planned to stop the development as soon as the interest in this tool decreases significantly.

Do you have the archive extracted to your game installation folder (not the x64 folder!)?

TY sooo much.

@Fredrik did you start steam first?

Edit: Working great and fyi peeps run both it works. I have always on in GD settings which works for the white and yellows mobs. Then turned on Hero Monsters+ in GI that combo works great.

Soon … :wink:

Seriously though, with Patch :grim_dawn: is pretty close to making GI obsolete, for me personally anyway. A few more weeks of nagging and bugging the devs …we should get it there. :partying_face:

The problem is that GI has features that GD will probably never add, like Speed control (up to 3x), which is in itself a great addition. Even just bumping the speed to 1.1x makes it feel much less sluggish.

They’ll obviously never add custom teleportation points either, given they’re cheating of a sort.

Doubtful they’ll have DPS counters, which are great for testing actual damage between weapons/skills/devotions which may not be immediately obvious from the sheet stats.

There are so many small little benefits exclusive to GI that still make it very worthwhile, like locking day/night cycle, increased reach for auto-pickup etc etc.


The GI healthbars with debuffs and only for significant enemies with nametags and the buff/debuff tracking (with how much damage a DoT is dealing and magnitude of slow effects etc being displayed) is what makes it a massive improvement to the game for me.

Above all else it’s the nametags that I wouldn’t ever want to miss, with how important it is to see immediately what heroic types (or rather answering the question if there is any arcane or timewarped thing running around) you’re walking into if there’s a lot going on.

The custom teleport locations do in fact feel like cheating, although in case of Steps of Torments it’s much closer to a work around for Crate forgetting to put a waypoint closer to the entrance.


They didn’t forget. :rofl:

I have a problem with grim internals. I can’t hide names of rare monsters. Here is screenshot and my configurator:

/edit damn i can’t post 2 images :confused:

/edit 2 here’s my griminternals.ini : https://pastebin.com/eUc9KvH3

That’s not a problem; that’s a feature! :wink:
But you can disable it by editing the GrimInternals.ini file.
Search for “AlwaysShowBossName=True” and set it to “False”

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Great tool, I just started using it today.

I see you can choose to have two info boxes, but how do I pick which info goes into box 2? They all just go into first box for me by default.

Is there a way to make the dps counter track more than only the last second of damage? I want to compare different aura setups at target dummies to see which can sustain the highest dps over several minutes.

Sorry it whas the dam antivirus program im so dum ^^

Thank you!! Your time updating even when you don’t play anymore is greatly appreciated!

thank you for old man pick up things

Thank you @GlockenGerda for your continued support of this fantastic mod! We all greatly appreciate your hard work and dedication.


Thanks @GlockenGerda

Thank you for continuing to update this tool!

Thank you queenie, now we can survive for another 2 weeks

First post on this forum. Just want to say thanks again for taking the time to update this fantastic tool!

Playing with GI is so much more enjoyable to me. The monster health bars are way more visible, and most importantly those of the boss monsters. I simply want to spot boss monsters at first glance, not searching with a magnifying glass after that unimposing star among a bulk of monsters. Seeing dps and cooldowns is a qol improvement and I love setting my game to a specific time. One of the best things in GI is the autoloot function with the wider range than the Vanilla game has and it also picks up rare items. Farming is so much faster without having to click on dropped items all the time. So, there are many reasons for this mod being useful and there seem to be many players that use even more mod features than I do. Thanks for all your work and keeping this mod updated! :rose:

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playing GD without GI is like playing poe without pob