[Tool] Grim Internals

ah…sry for my noob question …if i go back to using the beta it will not have the new content from the game in it will it?


bugger…ok so is there any applications like GI that provide the same or similar modded functions?

or atleast not that i’m aware of

Crate have included some features from GI into the game proper with the latest patch, but that’s it.

there’s a DPS meter but I haven’t tried it yet and it hasn’t been updated in 3 months so I’m not sure if it even works with GD 1.2

Can confirm that it doesn’t work for 1.2, tested it out yesterday.

I would just really love the increase the whole game speed, mobs and players, i heard it was possible with CE, anyone tried it?

sounds like you should try a dark ones vitality bloody pox build with fevered rage :grin:

Game Speed change in the post-apocalyptic Grim Dawn without Grim Internals

I know / have multiple ways to increase game speed. Here they are from the simplest (using native game’s features) to the most elaborate using other programs (Cheat Engine, GDHacker, GDAutocaster). Let me know if you’re interested in one of them then I’l give you more details.

  1. playing in Custom Mode (moving your saves there) and just typing an appropriate command in console after you launch the game

  2. unlocking a console in Main Campain using Cheat Engine (needed for every launch but it’s quick) and typing the command like in (1)

  3. simple .exe (my GDHacker) that you have to manually run after launching Grim Dawn and alt-Tabbing which changes the speed

  4. Program running in the background (my GDAutocaster), detecting GD and applying the speed change automatically or on a keybind (with the help of GDHacker)

    • can be running constantly on your computer / added to autostart if you don’t hibernate but turn off your pc so that you literally don’t have to do anything / run .exes or any programs to have the speed change

A video of the above (4) in the keybind version


It would be super awesome if we could set time permanently to a desired value. Right now with day/night cycle off, it’s set to noon which sucks. I really miss playing with permanent night time.

You are amazing!

The 1st : would i have to type it in the console every time i start? Would i lose the achievements on a Custom Mode?
The 4th : Without using a keybind, would i just after setting up for the first time just need to run a single exe and be done?

Yes, you’d have to type Game.Speed 1.7 for example. Not sure about achievements but I doubt you’d lose any? Does GD even have such checks? Someone will correct me on that if needed because this thread is popular.

If GDAutocaster, my program I always use (although not for speed change) is running in the background, it applies the speed change on its own, automatically, when you enter the game

I personally don’t ever turn it off (and hibernate my laptop) so I don’t need to launch it with every Grim Dawn launch. And if someone turns their PC off instead, the program can be added to autostart so that there’s no need to launch it manually.

And advantage over 3 is that you don’t have to Alt + Tab before running the .exe
and if setup as above, don’t even have to run an .exe

Anyway, you can try multiple ways as well to see which one you prefer.

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Can you link the build for me friend?

That is amazing, even if i close the program, just creating a .bat executing it and Grim Dawn’s exe would suffice?


There u go! :sunglasses:

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Sure. You could use BAT with simple .exe too athough some Sleep for .exe might be then needed? not sure

I understand GI is no longer updated, but what can/could be used to replicate some of its features? I’ve been away for a long time and don’t recall which mod made items stack. Now I have two hours of game and a cool 40+ slots already taken by aether crystals and duplicated crafting materials/scrap. False alarm, the non stacking thing was the old version of GI messing the game.

More importantly I really -really- like playing with double spawns and 1-3 heroes per spawn since regular mobs barely register as a speedbump. Is there still anything which can be used for this as well?

Though this still interests me since I preferred fighting a lot of champions for now I’ll give the changes in leveling and XP a fair try.

Yeah but not all of them. I dont think a DPS meter is cheating. And crates choices for displaying if an item is MI etc wasnt very good. Literally all they had to do was copy grim internals way of doing it and bam it would have been perfection. Still love crate but not sure whos making the decisions over there…it doesnt make the game better to make us have to google what the heck two diamonds mean when an abbreviation simply stating “mi” is pretty obvious.

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It’s good that now you know, right? It’s not like heads are exploding to understand the new symbols.
Perhaps it would be a good idea for texts to appear on what each symbol means on the loading screens, as a way of learning for newcomers.