[Tool] GrimChecklist - Because your memory sucks

New layout looks great. Looking forward to the implementation of the other sections.

It just came to my attention on how big the checkboxes look on Google Chrome. Which is completely unintentional but hilarious.

It’s these discrepancies between browsers that makes designing harder than it should be.

In short, Chrome (and even Microsoft Edge) have better support for checkbox styling than Firefox does. Which is a right pain in the ass for me because I like the bigger ones as they’re easier to click.

I feel it’s pretty bad when even Microsoft Edge supports it better than Firefox.

For what it’s worth, I’m using Mozilla and it’s no issue to me

Just as a heads up, the 5th act 1 shrine, The Burial Cave (Burrwitch Outskirts), shows only 1 Aether Crystal, when the shrine costs 2

Turns out there’s a one shot chest just after you kill Edmund “Shanks” Doyle. I went back to check this on other characters, but it was only available when he was killable, which appears to be only one time for the quest.

It’s in the northern house of his little spawn area. No screenshot because I didn’t think to take one, figured it would be available on each difficulty regardless, like every other one shot.

It’s called “Edmund’s Stash”.

This isn’t a true one-shot, After reading your post I went and found it myself, didn’t get any epics from it. One-shots always drop an epic.

I suppose I was misled then. I did it twice to check if it really was a one shot, I suppose that wasn’t enough times though.

In devotion section, you have Act 2 Ultimate [0/2] when in fact there are 3 devotion shrine checkboxes there.

Thanks for letting me know, the problem should be fixed.

Changelog for 23rd March 2016

  • Added checklists for Quests from Act 1 through 4, including Order of the Death’s Vigil, Kymon’s Chosen and The Outcast factions.
  • Fixed counter error in Act 2 Ultimate for Devotion Shrines. Given how the code works you might see some oddities if you’ve ticked boxes here already (some boxes might become unticked, some might be ticked). Ticking/unticking as necessary will fix this.

From a UX point-of-view I do not like the Quests page. I find it too clunky and unorganized at a glance. 420WeedWizard has previously given me some insight into jazzing up the UI so I’ll be looking into the Quests page then, as well.

Great tool! Just noted that I missed one of the shrines before.

Do you have any plans for translation? I would gladly help with russian version or maybe you can automize it with current translation files.

There are no current plans for translation but given help I am totally supportive of including it.

Nice to hear it :slight_smile:

Looking at localization files it seems that main part of translation for any supported game language can be done via simple automated script and parsing of tags_storyelements.txt. The only thing that need to be translated manually is Notes column.

So I probably can make it in a few days.
What exchanging format do you prefer? Seems that markup is fully generated server-side. Do you read content from external file?


thx for that good tool.

I find 24 quest in Act1. In your list, you mentioned 23 but you have 24 checkboxes.

PS : sorry for my bad english

That would be easier but I’m not skilled in programming enough to create a fully automated system that then parses the information correctly.

Something I should look into but for now everything is manual.

That would be easier but I’m not skilled in programming enough to create a fully automated system that then parses the information correctly.

Something I should look into but for now everything is manual.

Consider this fixed!

Changelog for 24th March 2016

  • Act 1 Quests had a counter issue which has now been fixed.

I can duplicate part of your markup (‘main’ tag probably) with original text replaced with translation. After you can add a dropdown with language selection or something similar that will hide/show corresponding section.

What do you think?

Yup, that’s definitely doable.

Hey, great tool, been using it a lot as a new player! :slight_smile:

The quest “Legion Retribution” (Act 4 - Side) could do with the Note “Requires Honored faction status with the Black legion.”
Also, “Making a Deal” (Act 3 - Main?) seems to require “Honored status with Homestead”.

Thanks for the help!

Changelog for 4th April 2016

  • New note: Act 3’s “Making a Deal” main quest requires “Honored” status with Homestead
  • New note: Act 4’s “Legion Retribution” side quest requires “Honored” status with The Black Legion

I do find it odd that a main quest would require faction rep. Ideally you’d have it by then but if you don’t that might be a bug. Consider reporting it if you can reproduce it.

yeah that confused me too. If anything, it should probably not be tagged as a main quest. Maybe one is supposed to have reached honored through the previous main quests?