[Tool] GrimChecklist - Because your memory sucks

Appreciate this tool. Helped me greatly with shrine tracking. Thank you for making this.

Is there a way to save somehow the data from this site? For example if I wanna clear my browser cachce, cookies etc will I lost the info I checked?

You will, unfortunately. There is no way to prevent this due to the nature of how it’s coded.

User accounts that save your profiles between browsers and even computers is an idea I’ve thought about but would take some time and effort as I’m not familiar with how to go about that.

If you are intrested you can join the discord chat and we can set that up together.

We then could also setup functionality for exporting saves and more.

PS: Awesome website !

You know me in the Discord chat as MrTastix so just shoot me a PM whenever you want to discuss some stuff.

I would love to see a tool like this that would actually parse the character save file to see what has and hasn’t been completed yet. “This character file has 7 unused one-shot chests, at these locations…”

Is this a typo in page http://grimchecklist.com/quests.php where one column is named as “Cosest Riftgate” which should be “Closest Riftgate”?

Would be a neat thing but currently far beyond my skillset.

Fixed, thanks for letting me know.

Mr. T – thanks so much for the tool. This is really helpful.

Have you considered adding the Hidden Path quest chain or the Port Valbury ones?

HP has 4 stages and PV has one that I’m aware of (from Outcast Faction).

Thank you for this awesome work you’ve put in. I was just wondering if you had the time, could you add a section for faction specific bounties? It’s not a big deal considering the wonderful tool you’ve created for us, but as a completionist I’d love to see it added. Cheers!

great checklist. i love it!

i found the royal hive’s one-shot chest in the swarming hatchery. the checklist only says that it spawns in the skittering den or the queen’s sub lair

Yes, I have, actually.

Port Valbury I’ll do after I’ve found the time to do it myself, just so I don’t miss too much.

Sure, that’s something I’d be keen on doing.

Hey man, the site expired.
Could you something about it?

I see same thing. Please help :confused:

Same for me too. It worked for maybe an hour yesterday but for the past 4 or 5 its been offline.

Won’t be back up until tomorrow when I get paid. Sorry for the inconvenience guys, been struggling a bit with money lately.

Add a little PayPal donation link. People seem to like it, maybe they can help pay for it.

No worries, just glad it wasn’t abandoned. I also 2nd the donation link.

Renewed the domain so hopefully the website will be back up soon (can take a while for the nameservers to refresh). Also added a donation button as suggestion.

If anyone was wondering I do have some future plans for the website, but that terrible thing called real life keeps my focus aimed elsewhere for the time being, but ideas are also greatly appreciated if anyone has any.

Hi, just passed registration to post my suggestion here.
First of all - this checklists very helpful for me, thank you very much for such tool!
If you could somehow add feature to fetch quest progression from character save file, then each user can personally see, what exaclty quests he/she missed in game and where to find them. Same for one-shot chests.
If this was already suggested - pardon me, I definetly missed that post then.

P.S. Also, I think it will be nice to add links to Dammitt’s GrimTools, separatly for item DB and calculator.