[Tool] Save File Decryption Tools

This is an update to a tool for decrypting Grim Dawn save files player.gdc and transfer.gst / transfer.gsh. You can download the updated tools from github.

The tools linked above are updated versions of the originals found here, and I am in no way related to or affiliated with the author of the original code.

Compatibility: The tools were updated to be compatible with Grim Dawn version with both Ashes of Malmouth and Forgotten Gods expansions and Crucible DLC. The code is almost certainly incompatible with vanilla GD without the expansions/DLC.

Issues: I haven’t yet done extensive testing of the updated code, but it seems to work on the few characters that I have. With that said, there’s almost certainly still bugs that need to be fixed. If you come across any, let me know and I will attempt to fix them.

There’s also some extra data contained in player.gdc that is read/written since the original tool was developed. I was able to determine what some of this data was, but much of it is still a mystery to me. If anyone knows what any of it is, or if a Crate developer wants to shine some light on it, I will update the variable names and comment the code accordingly.

Why? My main reason for updating this code was that I have a project in mind that would need to read character and stash data. As far as I’m aware, there are 2 publicly available tools for reading this data: Christopher’s and Grim Dawn Item Assistant’s character parser. The former is outdated and incompatible with the current GD version, and the latter appears to be outdated and incomplete. Given that I’m a novice programmer, I chose to get the former updated and working.

Through searching this forum I also found a few references to Christopher’s code, which further incentivized me to use his code as a starting point rather than that of GDIA.


  • Nearly all credit for this work goes to Christopher of https://www.lost.org.uk, as (as far as I know) they wrote the original file. I merely updated it for the current version of GD.
  • Thanks to @mamba for sharing some of their GD Stash code and giving insight on how to read/interpret some of the new data.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible if these tools corrupt your game files. Make backups of all of your files before using this tool.